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Weird Adrenaline Rush?


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Tonight after dinner I started to get an adrenaline rush. like my body feels so ansy and cant relax. It feels ansy for no reason. like I feel agitated anxious for no reason. Its like my insides are all jumpy and want to jump out of my body and run. It is hard to explain. Also tonight is the supermoon and I wanted to get a picture of it sdo I was walking around not stitting down from 7 to 840 until I got a good picture. but still I cant realx. I feel like my insides want to jump out and run and im all hot and sweaty. I just don't feel right. I want to feel relaxed and tired not this weird adrenaline rush. Do you guys get these? What causes these? I don't think it is what I ate. for my 3 o clock snack I had a yopa crunch greek yogurt and a tiny bit of sweet frog frozen yogurt. Then at dinner I had a campbels chunky chicken noodle soup. and now I am having a greek yogurt protein bar. idk what is causing it and idk how I can calm down to relax.

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