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Aversion To Sodium/salt?


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Anyone else deal with their body just NOT wanting to take in sodium like we should? Like, when I try to eat something that is high in sodium, I end up so extremely ill to my stomach, and I literally think that is one of the reasons I've been vomiting so much for the past few months. I grew up not eating salt or sodium at all, and now I am to try and take in 3,000 to 5,000 mgs a day? Its like overload. Even when I eat something like a bag of plain chips (not even salt and vinegar), I end up nauseated and throwing up.

I've tried Thermatabs and ended up just as ill. Its not a flavor thing (well, in a way it is, because I don't like salty things, but I eat pickles and such because I know I have to for the sodium), so I'm not sure what it is, other than my stomach just doesn't do sodium.

Anyone else like this? What have you done to overcome it, or at least deal with it better? I take zofran a couple times a day sometimes, and usually a phenergan every night to help with the nausea, drink peppermint tea, etc. When the vomiting gets really bad, I go to a very bland diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, sometimes toast...but I've been making very dry waffles, and those have been awesome... i make a mean waffle.).

Ideas? Thoughts?

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No ideas or thoughts, but I do understand! I also can't take in a lot of sodium without getting major nausea. I don't throw up but I'm also emetephobic so I haven't actually vomited in 25 years. If I didn't have that mental block, though, I would definitely be getting sick after too much sodium. I've tried canned soup, chips, salt tabs, olives, pickles and they all give me raging nausea for about an hour afterward. I can tolerate gatorade, canned baked beans and turkey bacon. It seems my stomach can handle the sodium better if I get a shot of protein with it.

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Sodium/salt is known to cause nausea in large amounts. I can usually eat salty things just fine, in fact my body craves it. But when I'm already nauseated, I can't handle really salty foods. I try to add salt to the food items my body feels like it can tolerate at those times. Like a peanut butter sandwich...I'll put some salt on it....not overload, just a little. Or salt on a baked potato but I put a little sour cream to coat my stomach.

Speaking of coating your stomach, have you tried using some sort of antacid liquid like Gavascon, to coat your stomach before eating salty foods to avoid the nausea?

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I hadn't thought of that Katie, but that does give me an idea to try. I've started to add a couple sprinkles of salt to my ice water if I have lemon with it, trying little bits here and there, but I can't even handle much of any salt lately. I def wanna get some gavascon now to try. I think I'm getting a smidge of sodium in my Iv stuff, but I def could probably use a bit more.

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My body has yet to crave it really... Well, I take that back. Fast food is rather high in sodium, and every now and then, I crave Taco Bell or a sandwich at Arby's. They make me sicker than a dog, but every now and then, i just gotta have some tacos, lol.

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