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Nose Bleeds And Hemorrhoids?

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I was wondering if nose bleeds or Hemorrhoids were a problem for others?

I believe that if our alpha receptors are not working well then this would cause capillary permanablity both in the bowel and nasal passages. I've just started taking phenylephrine in hope it would help my POTS but it only seems to improve these other symptoms.

Are nose bleeds and Hemorrhoids POTS related symptoms? Or are they just the ones we never tell anyone?

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I have neither. My Mom, who doesn't have POTS but has something going on the looks like some sort of dysautonomia, also looks like she has EDS. I am diagnosed with EDS. Mom has experienced both hemorrhoids and nose bleeds. The recent nose bleeds turned out to be the result of a benign granuloma in her nose. Somehow the other docs missed it and she finally went to an ENT when the nosebleeds started coming multiple times a day for more than an hour. The ENT fixed her in less than half an hour. She has struggled with hemorrhoids since carrying my sister and I which was over 40 years ago. I am just venturing a guess hete, but I haven't really heard about these problems on this forum, but you may want to ask on the www.ednf.org forum which is an EDS forum. I know I've heard talk of nosebleeds there.

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Thanks katybug,

I havent been diagnosed with eds. One muscle specialist said i had hypermobile hips and shoulders but when I asked him about eds he changed the subject. Weird. I'm not really very flexible in other places. My whole family (hubby and kids) mock me because they all have hitchhiker thumbs nod mine totally straight. Though my joint where my thumb meets my hand sort of inverts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No, not at all, just during my pregnancies. My doc was very alerted and imm sent me for bloodwork but everyhting turned out okay. Last year I was sent for bloodwork again when I had enormous bruises on both my legs which turned out okay again (the bruises seemed a result from scratching though my doc could hardly believe it but it was the only thing I found noticeable). I somehow feel it could be EDS related like Katybug mentions but then again I'm more stiff than anything else. Hypermobility does run in my family but I'm not affected.

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I have a lot of nosebleeds, but my doctors think that's when my POTS is in a hyper-state, so my BP is really high and thats how my body reacts to it. Hasn't happened lately, which is nice, but when they do happen, they take forever to stop.

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Please keep in mind that hypermobility is only one of many diagnostic criteria for EDS. And hypermobility changes with age. Well versed EDS docs take a person's age into account when they look at the mobility of joints. There are people that have forms of EDS that are not particularly hypermobile. I just want to make sure this is clarified because I often see people assuming they should discount EDS because they "aren't flexible" but this is really a misconception. For a thorough list of diagnostic criteria for the various types of EDS, please visit www.ednf.org. They have a wealth of resources for people that have suspicions of EDS.

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  • 6 years later...
Guest KiminOrlando

Nosebleeds are common with many autoimmune diseases which is often part of dysautonomia. I have this. I also have 'lupus nose' where the inside middle has a large hole in the septum. Curious if that has anything to do with it.

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