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Trouble Sleeping?

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Hey guys,

I haven't been on here for awhile because I've just been trying to ignore my symptoms, but this one bothers me. I haven't been able to fall asleep right away because each time I start to doze off my heart starts doing palpitations and then I wake up for awhile. Then I try to go back to sleep and the same thing happens. It just seems like a never ending cycle until I finally pass out at 2 or 3 AM. I went and saw a cardiologist and he said everything looked fine. Although he did say right before I fell asleep my heart rate jumped to 160. In the middle of my sleep my heart got down to 42. Does this happen to anyone else? Do you think it could be POTS/Autoimmune related? Thanks for your input!

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It probably is POTS related, unfortunately. I don't get those exact symptoms, but I do have trouble getting to sleep. My "miracle pill" has been 6 mg of melatonin a little less than an hour before bed. It works wonders for me getting to sleep, although I still wake up too hot in the middle of the night. But at least I'm able to get to sleep before 5 in the morning, again! I would definitely give that a try.

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Yes, I have this issue. And many times others. Right now I am getting the chest pains and palpitations as I drift off to sleep. It keeps waking me up. I struggle with getting to sleep. That is why I am on here at this time. My HR gets low like that while I sleep. 42 and 45 was my lowest recorded HR wile I slept. 50-55 is more typical of late.

There are a lot of physiological changes from wake to sleep and sleep to wake.

I think a doctor knowledgeable with these things can help you manage it so that you can get better sleep. We need sleep as much as anyone. I know that I do. I am better when I am getting good sleep.

Good luck. I hope that you can get this managed better.

Worrying makes it worse. Listen to your doctors, but try not to worry about it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I do not get low heart rates so cannot comment on that. Insomnia has been worst symptom lately though, actually for a long time just worse lately. Tried many sleep agents, just did sleep study. I know I have bad Restless Leg Syndrome, wake with very high heart rates, and have been told POTS high catecholamines regardless of HR can cause trouble sleeping. I am sure the sleep agends have some withdrawal just to add more trouble in my case. Melatonin is reported to be both a soporific (make you sleepy) in a dose dependent manner and also a sleep cycle regulator so my recommendation if you take it is take it at the same time every night-if that helps.

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You might want to check out the active form of B6 which is P5P. I learned about this vitamin while trying to get Tyler's methalation cycle working better. This supplement will raise GABA levels if the body is defienct and will help lower Glutamate levels. I no longer give Tyler the GABA because it's hard to tell with this product if you are actually getting the real thing.

Tyler has also tried a couple of sleep prescriptions. He has been tried on Lunesta and Ambiem. These did not help either. He has tried some herbal supplements but they seem to affect blood pressure levels and make things worse. For some reason, Tyler's body does not handle the herbal supplements very well. Our doctor has recommeded that we stay away from them since they seem to lower blood pressure too much.

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Nothing much to add except that just as I'm falling asleep I will usually get a bout of tachycardia. This has been happening for a couple of years now at least. It wakes me right up and I find it's best to get out of bed and go get a drink of water or something just to move around for a bit and then go back to bed and I sleep.Occasionally I have to start my whole 'wind down and relax' get ready for bed routine(that I do each night) over again. My very medically uneducated guess at why this happens is that my body just doesn't like to transition from wake to sleep. I also get nights where I have muscle jerking as I relax to go to sleep and this can last up to a couple of hours then I'm about to drift off and the tachycardia starts. I wake about 4 times a night but so far have not experienced either muscle jerking or tachycardia when I'm' going back to sleep. I only have it when I first try to go to sleep. Knock on wood and don't let the gods hear that! in my 'early pots' days I used to be exhausted and asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and I'd sleep at least 10 hours without waking.

I'm getting to a point where I get anxious when writing down anything positive regarding my health in case I jinx myself. It's nutty, I know it's nutty but it's true.


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I don't know if it would help with the palpitations. My son takes it because he needs the methyl B doners and it helps raise GABA levels. GABA is supposed to help calm the body down.

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Thank you re: P5P. I have been reading up on GABA recently as many of the sleep agents relate to GABA A. I tried the Clonidine mentioned in another thread but that sent my HR wild, even using the ER form, and even with the patch did not like the feel/effect.

So many of the POTS symptoms and reactions are simply "weird," i.e. not what would happen in a non POTS person.

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I have those symptoms too. It happens to me more after I am already asleep. I wake up to the palpitations. It also happens after I eat. In both cases, I have been told it is dysautonomia related. I haven't tried melatonin yet as was suggested but I think I will give it a try. I was told to eat smaller meals and to avoid the three meal a day lifestyle. I am really, really struggling with that one. I was told there is nothing to be done about those types of fluctuations of heart rhythm. Although I still do not really follow why a pace maker doesn't help with this but I have been told repeatedly by a few of my doctors that it isn't advised.

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P5P is not a prescription. However it would be best to check with your doctor if you need this form of B-6. My son can only use the methyl form of B12 and regular B6 will not absorb with Methy-B12. My son has trouble with high sulfate levels and regular B-6 will make this problem worse. My son has trouble falling asleep but once he is asleep, he stays asleep. He does take the extended release clonidine and this does help with high norephrinphrine levels. These levels have also been measured and this will cause sleep problems. Our doctor suspects that he may be hyperpots but due to his medical condition he does not want to put him through that test right now.

My son did take melatonin before he was diagnosied with POTS. It worked for him a little while but there is some research that states it may raise the heart rate in POTS patients. So be careful with this supplement. I have learned my lesson the hard way with these herbal supplements and some vitamins. Start at the lowest dosage and watch out for side effects. Tyler's blood pressure would just bottom out so I learned to never introduce more than one supplement at a time. Sleep is so important. Be sure to get your doctor to check for defiencies for magnesium, D, and iron. Low levels of these can cause sleep problem.

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Here is a blog that has been written by a natural path doctor on sleep and some other supplements.


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Hello everyone. I am often very tired and seemingly sleep all night, then more during the day. My sleep study indicated that my heart rate keeps spiking in the middle of the night when I am trying to sleep. I was prescribed a beta blocker called bisoprolol to take before I go to bed. I have just started taking it, and it seems to be helping some and has reduced my palpitations.

My doctor said that he often sees these night-time heart rate spikes in his POTS patients.

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Hi icelizard,

Just the other night I woke feeling sick (not nauseous) but weak and trembly and a sort of wired feeling. I decided to get up and take my bp so I could get a pulse reading and my pulse was over 120. Can't remember the exact number. But it was confirmation that my pr sometimes increases during the night.


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