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Wisdom Teeth


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Hi everyone,

I've looked up past posts on this, has anyone recently had their's out? She's had a lot of dental problems including root resorption, Nina I know you've had this too--don't want to get into details. Chrissy had hers out on Monday, 4 impacted, surgery went well. She came home, ate, drank, took her pain meds (vicoprofen) she got worse yesterday, which i heard was normal for the third day, but today, the fourth day, she's still so blah! She's suppossed to go to her graduation ceremony Sat. for her associates degree(even though she has a couple of summer classes, the ceremony is Sat.). Now I don't know if she'll make it. She took a shower tonight for the first time since Mon. and is totally wiped out. I know everything takes longer with POTS (recovery I mean). Do you guys think this is normal. I've heard of people w/o POTS being out of it for over a week after this procedure. She's still in pain but didn't want to take any more pain meds, just tylenol. Bleeding stopped after one day. Thanks everyone. Patti

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Hi Patti,

Unless your daughter shows signs of infection (fever/swelling/tongue swelling), I would not worry about her pain too much. It is normal to be in a lot of pain after removal of wisdom teeth. Especially because she had 4 impacted teeth all taken out at once! I agree with Steph that she should keep up with the stronger pain meds if she can tolerate them. Once dental pain is out of control, it is hard to get on top of it again. Hope she is better soon, but don't be surprised if the pain lasts a while.


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make sure your daughter isn't developing a "dry socket". This is a common occurence and VERY PAINFUL!!! I had this 30 years ago when I had my wisdom teeth removed. THIS is not HELPED by pain meds but you need to see the surgeon to check the socket for medicine in the area.

Please call your surgeon about this. Good luck!!! poor thing. Make sure she reads her after care sheet as it should mention the dry socket problem. do keep us posted on her situation.

Please read about Dry socket on this site...just scroll down the page a bit but PLEASE!! Call your doctor before the weekend....this could easily be her problem. I followed ALL THE RULES and didn't EVER smoke and still got a dry socket as did friends of mine.


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Not sure what to tell you. Mine were impacted too, but I never had any real problems, except for chipmunk cheeks for a few days, and a little spot on my chin that stayed numb for a month or so. Is she doing salt water rinses? I guess I would get her in and make sure there's no infection brewing. morgan

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I had alot of pain after I had all four of mine removed. The doctor had me come back in and I had dry sockets in all of them. Not comfy! We had to put medicated strips in the holes and change them. After a few days of this, I remember feeling alot better. I think I had to rinse with some special rinse. Still some discomfort and a very swollen face. I would say call the dentist and ask if she can at least come in and be checked. Good luck!

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