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Excessive Salivation, Anyone?

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I did a search for this and came up with threads that were like 8 years old LOL

Ever since I woke up today I've had really really excessive salivation. Did not find this as a symptom on the symptoms page here, only "excessive thirst". Been drinking lots of water to try to counter the salivation, so far not helping.

Thought it was something I ate today but everything I've eaten today I've eaten before, most of it leftovers from yesterday (salad, lamb roast, cooked veggies, salad dressing, and a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips) Thought it might be the chocolate but I had a couple handfuls a few days ago and did not have salivation afterwards.. oh and a cuppa tea but I drink tea every meal.

Anyone else have this symptom? (who's not on a medication that can cause it?) I'm not on any meds. Well a B-complex and some added B6 but I take those every day, nothing new there.

Does it mean I'm low in something? Salt?

I'm not diagnosed with POTS yet and from what I've read I fear I have the hyperadrenergic type which a high salt diet doesn't help with.

Oh I don't know if it's connected but my feet are slimy-sweaty at the same time, but yet they're cold! Bizarre, I know! Sorry if that's TMI.

Any ideas are most appreciated!

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I have it!! I have had it about twice a year for a few days at a time for a few years. About a month ago it started back up and is still going strong. I asked my doctor about it 2 weeks ago, he had no clue why I had it. He offered an antidepressant that has dry mouth as a side effect to help with it, but I'm hoping it will just go away without starting any meds.

I have NO clue why I get it. I already have a bloated stomach, and having to swallow so often really makes me so much worse. The only thing I've been able to relate it to in the past is sometimes I might have taken too much magnesium. At those times I would back off of magnesium and the problem would clear up. However, this time I am not taking magnesium but still have the problem. I have been taking my prescription vitamin D, so maybe it is all related to something with the calcium/magnesium ratio.

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That could be it! Sorry if this is TMI but I take magnesium for constipation (had this issue my whole life) and I hadn't "gone" in a few days so last night I took a nice dose of magnesium oxide (about a heaping 2/3 teaspoonful, any less than that just doesn't have the desired effect) Well it "worked" today but I just never connected it to the salivation issue! Magnesium is my "go to" solution that I can count on working (I eat lots of veggies and drink tons of water) but have never that I can recall had the salivation issue with it!

But yet you have the problem without taking the magnesium too! So who knows! Gives me something to think about though!

Thanks for replying!

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Limitless blue jay, actually I do take Milk of Magnesia about 4 x a week. I forget about it as I've been doing this for about 4 years. BUT, when I say I'm not taking any additional Mg, I mean I'm not taking any Mg pills on top of that. I used to also take Mg oxide pills about 3 x a week to help the bloating move on through my intestines.

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Oh I see. And if for any reason you stop taking the MoM does the excessive salivation stop?

I'm thinking with me it doesn't have to do with the magnesium perhaps, after all, because I've taken it for constipation many times and never recall having that 'side effect'. In fact when I first started taking it and was working out the dose I needed I'd take half a teaspoon several days in a row and never salivated like I've been doing all day today... perhaps it is just a new symptom I'm developing! Stupid POTS .... lol Oh well at least it's not as scary as the tachycardia I get!

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  • 6 years later...

I had hypersalivation for 4 years. I finally figured out that my high daily dose of vitamin d (5000 iu) was causing it. No doctor ever figured that out because there is no literature to support that. my salivation returned to normal about 3 days after I reduced the dose to 2000 iu. however, during those 4 years, I successfully managed my hypersalivation with the following products:
-- botox injections into the salivary glands every 3-4 months. This never gave me dry mouth. my insurance covered all but $100. my last injection lasted 6 months.
-- alkaline water high in sodium bicarbonate. Fiji worked best. evian actually made my mouth too dry and cottony.
-- calcium citrate 1000 mg twice a day. (this can cause dry mouth in people with normal salivation.)
in my 4th year, i replaced botox with alkaline water and calcium. once i learned about the connection between calcium and vitamin d and dose reduced, i stopped taking calcium.

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