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Most Bang For My Buck. What Else Helps?


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I know mine wants to send me to rehab/therapy, but trying to explain to these people that cardiac therapy is more like what I need, is akin to smelling the number 9. I can stand, my ability to walk is not a problem, my body's ability to stay conscious in that action is what's the issue. They kept saying "we want to get you walking" during the eval, I finally stood up, walked five feet, passed out because my body didn't get the blood to the brain on time.

I love massages and chiropractors myself too. I think they both help a bit with my headaches, and sometimes they are just a much needed step away from how many pills can they put me on, to "what is out there in nature that can make ____ better?" Like a fresh set of eyes.

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I currently am very sensitive to touch, taking a shower and wearing clothes is excruciating for me even, so I know as much as I want a massage, and I can just imagine how my muscles would feel afterwards, I don't think I'm capable of handling the touching part at the time. I worked for a chiropractor in high school and shortly there after, and I use to think they we're quacks, but after a few adjustments and managing my migraines better through them, I was sold.

I wished I could find a good one here, my insurance will pay for 15 visits, as well as for massage therapy. Here's hoping things start going right, and I can use these.

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I could use the massage therapy, but better save it for my wife. She has to put up with me and take up my slack.

What helps me the most is getting out in the yard and piddling a bit in the afternoons. It is my exercise and my therapy.

It is helping me stay focused, and optimistic. I cannot do a lot, but maybe (just maybe) I am getting to where I can do a little more.

I have a lot of little personal projects here. I like my grape vines. My blueberry bushes, fruit trees, etc. It kind of offers me a little hope to think I might be able to continue managing it.

I do not know if I am making any sense or not, but the point is that it is positive. Guess it is little small victories. I love that stuff, and to think that I might be able to continue with it is really helpful.

If I did not have that, I would find something else.

Most of all, my boys. I have more time for the details than I have had in forever. I am trying to get back to driving short distances. Then I could drop them off and pick them up for school. My fear is the car rider's circle. LOL. Don't know If I could make it.

I had gotten pretty down, and was feeling sorry for myself. I was on a downward spiral, but I have leveled out a bit. For how long I do not know, but I have been there before. I will just ride it out if it comes.

If I can remain positive and enjoy some positives, even if it is all going wrong, I will still be alright. These things are my therapies I guess.

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I can relate. I can now drop off and pick up kiddos. Missed a few big things, but managed to contribute. We are gardening now.. Just veggies, no fruits. Pumpkin patch I hope( can't do pumpkin patch/corn maze with Fam with ease) we have ducks we got for Easter. Eggs and love watching them grow, learn and be part of the bigger circle.

Gjensen... How have your kids adapted overall?

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My boys are rather unassuming. They do not expect a lot. Then they trust me, so they take it in stride.

Initially they were scared (I was to), because they did not understand what was wrong with dad. Dad played the tough guy, and had them suck it up (followed by hugs of course), and they have responded well.

I am teaching them to do what I would have done. I hope this is good for them in the long run. Give them some confidence.

There has at times seamed like there was a cloud hanging over them, so I did things like getting them a puppy. That was a good mood lifter.

It has been especially good for me and the youngest. He was falling behind and getting lost in the shuffle. Dad was not doing a good job.

There has been a big turn around. The extra attention (sometimes not positive) has done him a lot of good. He has responded really well.

They probably get more of dad than they did before. I was too busy before.

Will finish an addition this week, and they will have their new and own rooms. They are pretty happy about that.

This has been hard, but a lot of good has come out of this.

I worry about my wife mostly. She has a lot on her. Trying to learn to help with that. She is one of those that will go until it all catches up with her.

How about your kids?

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This may not be popular, I know my Nero doesnt approve but smoking a small amount of marijuana get's me through the days when I'm a mess. It completely calms my body and lets me get my work done. I stress a small amount, not enough to get high, just enough to take the edge off. Honestly without I don't know what I would do at this point. Just my worthless $0.02. I will say I work from my house which makes it easy.

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Confused guy, that does not offend me. I played with it when I was a young man, and have since wondered if it would help me sleep. Some things help me get to sleep, but then almost to the dot . . . two hours later, I am wide awake. I have trouble getting through the transition to.

I would not even know where to get it safely now, and it is not legal here. I doubt I will go that far, but if someone benefits, good for them. I do not see it more offensive than much of the stuff the prescribe to us.

Another thing I wondered is how could we know what it would interact poorly with or not?

Again, my biggest help is the positive things. The mood lifters. It makes no symptom less or go away, but it makes them a bit more tolerable. I felt worse when I was down, than I would now, even on days that would be the same.

I will be looking for and watching for ideas to improve symptoms.

I am wondering what cardio rehab would do.

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The USA is so far behind in research it's unbelievable. Sanjay Gupta did a special on CNN a few months back that is worth watching. As to Cardio, I'm at the gym 6 days a week. I can only tell you that it's getting harder and harder. Not the exercise itself but about an hour later I'm about ready to fall apart. My issues are of course different as we all are. I'm told if I stop cardio and weight lifting that I will never be able to go back. I've been hitting the gym for 25 years so its a way of life for me. As of my last doctor meeting last month my condition has now moved to degenerative nerve disease so that kinda stinks.

My moods are really even after I smoke, no side effects. Just sayin.

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