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Staying Cool While Sleeping-Urgent


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Please help? I have extreme heat problems at night. Right now I sleep on ice packs. I must waken every 2 hours to change my ice pack. What do other people do? Has anyone tried the Chili Technology. Which is water running through a mattress, and you can set the temp. My trouble is that they say you must wear a cover over you to control the temperature environment. I cannot wear anything on my body all night, or I over heat. I live abroad, so I can’t use the trial period, and just return it. Otherwise, maybe it could be controlled enough to keep me from over heating? It’s difficult to explain. I’ll have ice packs under me, and fall asleep with a sheet on. The next thing I know (about an hour or less) , I am completely overheated, and my icepack has turned to a heating pack. All because of that sheet. Otherwise, the ice packs last 2-2.5 hours. Please help!?? I feel like I am exhausted, and have been burned at the stake or something!

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Do you run a fan? Maybe you could even run a cool mist humidifier in front of a fan that blows the air and cool mist right over your bed? I don't have this problem but just trying to think of something that might help. Do you sweat? If you don't sweat, you should address that issue with a doctor immediately as that can be serious.

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Hi btru2all, welcomde at our forum! I think this is a problem you need to discuss with your doctor as, like Katybug mentioned, you could be dealing with something serious here! Do you have an autonomic specialist, have you had autonomic testing? Sorry for the questions, just want you to be safe!

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Your thermostat has definitely gone haywire and you need to see a doctor to help regulate it. I know in some conditions it needs to be checked out in case there is something going on there.

Most of us overheat with autonomic dysfunction and a beta-blocker has helped me a bit. In the summer I wear a cool vest, use a fan and have cool baths. I overheat in the winter if the heating gets too high, if I have eaten or overdone it etc. Autonomic neuropathy may disrupt the brain's ability to regulate sweating throughout the body. Consequently, patients with autonomic neuropathy may not be able to properly regulate body temperature, as the skin's blood vessels do not effectively dilate to reduce body heat; patients cannot sweat so exercise or exertion may cause the body to rapidly overheat. Alternatively, patients may inexplicably sweat profusely while sleeping or eating.

I hope you find a solution.

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Thanks everyone, My Neurologist knows that I have this and said that it is Dysautonomia. I figured when reading about all of the people wearing ice vests all day that this would be a more common issue. My doctor’s are not helping (I live abroad). I thought before I could get to the U.S. that I could find something here. This is supposed to be one of the main symptoms, I see that the respodent TCP is aware of this. I have read that there is no cure anyway, and I do not want to take more drugs and end up with more problems. I have found that my BP will usually go up with this, and both can be brought down to a tolerable level with my BP medicine. Interesting you mention betablockers. I use Clonidine, which is sympatholtic medication, it’s an adrenergic agonist. It works well, but it only treats the problem. They know nothing, period. I am very frustrated. There must be a source where I could find more answers??

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Heat intolerance is a major symptom of dysautonomia but it happens to not interrupt my sleep. But, it also is a symptom that doesn't have a clear explanation unless you are one of the people that has hypohydrosis (lack of sweating) and if you have some degree of hypohydrosis, that can be dangerous. I have had that ruled out with a test. My doc painted me with iodine, sprinkled special talc on me, and had me lay in an exam room that is like a sauna...dry heat first, then wet heat. If you can sweat, the talc changes to a purple color. He also monitored my temperature and how long it took various zones of my body to start to sweat. I actually told him ahead of time that I didn't think this is my problem because I actually sweat profusely now compared to pre-pots. He said that the profuse sweating is a common complaint but no reason has been established.

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I honestly sleep with as little on as possible, because I can't handle things touching me. I also use a fan myself, more for the white noise effect during winter, but during the summer and my cotton sheets, it helps me keep cool. I have heat issues during the summer mainly, but I've realized if I can find the comfortable clothing I can handle, I take an ice chest with cool cloths if needed to cool down quickly, I can make it manage.

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Hello! I'm new to the group but YES, I have used the Chili Technology because I could not endure the extreme heat fro my foam mattress. It was well worth it!!! There is a way to get a discount.

This is my first post so I don't want to say anything that I shouldn't (like I'm trying to advertise for them). I don't have experience on this board, but I bet there is a way for you to send me a private message if you want more info about my experience. Or maybe someone will fill me in on what I can or cannot say.

Good luck!

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If you click on someone's user name or picture, it will take you to their profile page and in the top right corner there is a button you can click that says "send me a message". That will take you to a page to type a "private message" (PM) to that person. If you have received a PM, you will see a little red "1" up at the top of the forum page near your little message icon. Click on the message icon to view your PM.

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Hi Kelsey, welcome to the forum! Just for your info, when scrolling down the pages you will find a button to our forum rules at the bottom right in small print. When you click on it you can read up. Hope this helps!

Btru2all, we have an updated physician's list that can be found at our main page. Physician's from all over the world (who we are aware of and who are okay with being named here) are on it. You might be able to find one who is willing to work with you!

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There may be some people on the forum that have this issue, but it does not sound like a typical dysautonomia symptom. "Heat intolerance" to me means having trouble going outside in the summer heat, and that is when people wear cooling vests. There usually isn't a problem indoors. I would definitely push for further testing to figure this out.

Do you have any other symptoms besides just feeling warm? What are your body temperature, HR and BP when you are waking up? When I feel warm, it is usually due to tachycardia.

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There may be some people on the forum that have this issue, but it does not sound like a typical dysautonomia symptom. "Heat intolerance" to me means having trouble going outside in the summer heat, and that is when people wear cooling vests. There usually isn't a problem indoors. I would definitely push for further testing to figure this out.

Do you have any other symptoms besides just feeling warm? What are your body temperature, HR and BP when you are waking up? When I feel warm, it is usually due to tachycardia.

Oh, thank you for explaining heat intolerance. That makes sense, can’t tolerate heat. You have to have a sense of humor I guess- haha I was thinking because I can’t tolerate my heat!

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Hello! I'm new to the group but YES, I have used the Chili Technology because I could not endure the extreme heat fro my foam mattress. It was well worth it!!! There is a way to get a discount.

This is my first post so I don't want to say anything that I shouldn't (like I'm trying to advertise for them). I don't have experience on this board, but I bet there is a way for you to send me a private message if you want more info about my experience. Or maybe someone will fill me in on what I can or cannot say.

Good luck!

FYI, I sent you a private message. Katybug’s post explains how to find it and read it. Thank you!

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I get this when I lay down at night , but it lasts a fairly short period of time then I feel cool again. If I wake up in the night within minutes I overheat ...kick off blankets then will gradually feel cooler again. Mine seems to be triggered by positional changes at night...sometimes even going from asleep to awake..it is odd...at the Mayo I had the sweat test with the talc...I showed some patches of hypohydrosis...mostly legs and hands and a patch on my forehead which the doctor said is seem with people who have migraines...strange huh! No big tips except fluids and salt...my sodium was low. I eat a lot of salted butter because I am trying to gain weight..guess my body doesn't hang on to the sodium. Usually this is a hot spell without sweating but as I said on another post sometimes I wake up very sweaty....

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I know I have intolerance to heat and the cold, but also my body temperature isn't under control either. I have had these symptoms for years and I've linked them to the autonomic dysfunction and I've had issues since 1984.

There are many scholarly articles on the internet about this problem with body temperature:



Damage to the nerves that control sweating means that the person has trouble regulating body temperature; night sweats or sweating while eating also may occur.'

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