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Any "stomach-Friendly" Way To Consume So Much Salt?


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Hi folks,

Mayo wants me to be at 10g of sodium per day. I am using all the tricks...Nuun tablets, pickle juice, Emergen-C...and salting the heck out of my food. But i think it destroys my stomach, as my nausea gets worse the more i consume salt. I am actually trying to figure out if i can do saline IV infusions (at my own cost!) just so i can avoid salt, relieve the stomach issues and hopefully get the nausea under control. I try ginger and other nausea remedies from forum searches...but no relief. It is by far my worst symptom.

I have post viral dysautonomia/POTS btw.

Anyone have a stomach friendly sodium source?



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Have you tried Themotabs? It's a buffered salt tablet and my son is able to take these with water. Any pharmcy should have them or be able to order them.


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I heat up 1-2 bullion cubes into a pint of water to get my sodium.

For awhile, I did Campbell's tomato juice which is quite high in sodium, just dangerous to consume daily on an empty stomach due to how acidic tomato is. It gave me gastritis, so if you go that route, I recommend drinking it with food! Personally, if I drink with meals my gastroparesis gets angry.

Just an FYI, salt is 40% sodium. 10 grams of salt provides about 6 grams of sodium. For the longest time, I thought 10 grams of salt = 10 grams of sodium.

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