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Assistance Finding Med List?


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Awhile back I read a post, I though maybe a locked one that had a HUGE list of meds & how they could affect pots symptoms. The one that jumped out at me was birth Controll pills being listed as a volume expander. It also listed a couple other meds that had volume expending properties, but could lower blood pressure) High dose estrogen BCP's were my savior for years. After a hysterectomy & factor V Leiden dx (no more estrogen for me) I can't help but think the lack of estrogen brought my symptoms to the point of a POTS dx.

Can anyone help me find the post I'm looking for? I've spent the past 2 hours using the search feature to no avail. If I remember correctly, the meds were grouped into mode of action categories. (It's not the big list on the dinet home page.


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Some of those were conjectural and i wouldnt suggest self-administration.

Main meds popularly used are those that increase alpha 1 receptor activity or boost synaptic norepinephrine:

- midodrine

- phenylephrine

- pseudoepherine

Those that also vasoconstrict:

- dyhydroergotamine

- caffeine

- synephrine (?)

Those that increase blood volume:

- Florinef

- natural licorice root

Those that increase acetylcholine at the synaptic cleft allowing increased sympathetic and parasympathetic activity:

- mestinon and other acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

Those that decrease autoantibodies:


- Para whateveritscalled

Those that suppress sympathetic nervous system activity

- inderal/propanalol and other beta blockers

- methyldopa

- clonidine etc

Im sure ive missed a few just off the top of my head :)

Those that work by unknown means:

- Lostartan

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