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Does Anyone Else Get Overheated Easily In The Winter?


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I seem to get overheated easily in the winter. I don't know why but today and yesterday and this whole week actually I have been getting heat flashes, lightheadedness, and today I have been dizzy and woozy throughout today. I mean its been snowing all day but not sure ifi ts from that. i'm really out of it as well.

Back to the winter subject, when I was younger and used to play in the snow a lot I wouldn't be able to stay out for more than 30 minutes or I would start to sweat and have to lay down. its weird.

so I guess me not feeling good today is the weather. plus its really hot in here at my house. it is 72 degrees and my parents have the pellet stove running plus they had the oven on earlier today to bake bread and that makes it hot in here.

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I walked the dog yesterday when it was 38 degrees and breezy in just a turtleneck and lightweight sweater and jeans and still started to sweat a little at the 15 minute mark. The rest of the world was in parkas, hats, gloves, and scarves and looking resentful about being cold. Then, of course, today was the opposite.... I had on a scarf and hat inside the house in addition to heavy clothing layers and blankets with the thermostat at 74 and still couldn't get warm. Until this evening when someone flipped the switch and I peeled it all off and was sweating in a T-shirt and lounge pants with the thermostat back down to 69. Its a pain in the tuckissbut I just keep many layers and options available to myself. I sometimes find that running my hands under either cold or hot water depending on my temperature issue at that time can help my body kind of reset itself.

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I have episodes of both overheating and over cooling. I'm sure that my thermostat is broken. Part of the ANS issues that we deal with I think. I still can't get mine under control. When I get too cold and come inside I then get too warm, turn BRIGHT RED and sometimes even fall asleep due to the quick raise in body temp. The next day I will be covered in hives. Still, I'd rather stay on the cool side then get too warm.

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