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Unrelated back pain?

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hi, maybe someone out there can help me, in addition to the POTS I've been having some (sometimes) severe, sometimes very annoying upper back pain. mri's are negative, so the possibility of it being something on the spine causing the POTS is very unlikely. Cardiologist is sure the pain is coming from the spine. Can it possibly be referred pain from another organ that is affected by POTS that is being felt as back pain for some reason? I've also coughed up blood several times in the last 6 months, didn't get that checked out as well as I should have (sick of the whole medical maze) , but lung x-ray is ok and so are basic blood tests. Autonomic doc says it's unrelated to the POTS. They don't even know in which direction to go, and I'm just not up for a wild goose chase. So instead of me ignoring it, anyone have anything similar or can give me some advice? thanks...this site is great

By the way, I should probably add this as a separate post, but I was looking at the photo albums, and you're all so beautiful. Being sick for a long time, my own self image is often down, and to see all of you looking so pretty made me feel much more attractive too!! :)


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Hi ariella,

Where exactly is the pain when you say mid-back ? Because often with spinal problems cervical issues can cause refferential pain in the thoracic area. I have had 3 cervical discs removed , all are damaged and I am plated between C3-C7. As well , i have damaged discs lumbar , however the referential pain caused by the cervical issues was , for lack of better phrasiology DEAFENING ; it plain hurt and turned to several other things also. The coughing blood though that is something I certainly didn't experience - keep on it.

good luck Kite 7

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Dear Ariella

Hello! I have back and shoulder injuries that are not healing. My electrophysiology cardiologist says my hypotension is causing my body to degenerate and not heal properly.

Good thing I am still alive.


Catherine :>)

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Did an mri of the c-spine 2 years ago...at least 2 years ago. Showed some degenerating discs in the c-spine )and a herniated one or two in the lumbar spine. Docs tell me many healthy people have this and they don't think this is the cause. My POTS doctor suggested an orthopedist. I have no more patience for docs. my health insurance is unlikely to cover the cost of a repeat mri.

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Ariella, please feel free to look at my personal website for info on the spinal issues I have had. My films were all read as normal initially. To get to my site, use the info card button that is among the other buttons that frame my reply to your post.

Nina :rolleyes:

oh, and btw, sorry you have the back pain. It can really make things tough.

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WHen i got pots i also started getting chronic back pain. since then every time i pinch a nerve i dont get the one or two days of pain i used to get, i get a month of pain. My nerves dont seem to heal as quickly. My back is a pain in the butt- literally if one sciatica isnt annoy me its the other. Never had any back problems before.

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