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Heat And Sweat


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Is it normal to be warm and not sweat all over?

I have EDS type 3 and autonomic dysfunction.

When I'm fairly warm my arm pits, hands, feet and...other area lol sweats.

Never like my chest or legs or arms etc...

I do sweat on my back when exercising laid down on the floor as my back gets hot.

I just worry because heat vasodilates me lol.

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One of the tests that is often conducted on people with dysautonomia is a sweat test that determines if you sweat and if there are places on your body that are failing to sweat. It helps determine if there is peripheral neuropathy which is commonly associated with dysautonomia. So, yes, it is possible not to sweat at all or in specific places on the body. It is called hypohydrosis.

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Yes I never sweat like the drippy sweat even when I exercise. I am so sensitive to heat a little bit ago when it was 72 degrees in our house I was really hot like flushed feeling but no sweating my underarms and back get clammy at times but I never drip sweat. the only time I dripped sweat was when I had a glucose test done and my blood sugar went to 26 and they gave me juice and crackers then I was back to normal.

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If you search this topic you will find that it isn't unusual to have people that also have hyperhydrosis as well. I fall into that category. I sweat even when I'm cold....it's ridiculous. These sweating issues unfortunately come along with with dysautonomia but you should be sure you are discussing them with your doctors.

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Hi andybrose,

I didn't sweat for 6 year - 4 prediagnosis of pots and 2 years post diagnosis. (just spent a minute try to work out how to spell diagnosis - my migraines cause me to have word problems although I get there eventually)


Anyway, after 6 years I was down on hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor (standing up to mop brings on pots symptoms) and I noticed a fine sheen of sweat above my upper lip. Slowly, over months, I started to sweat more and more. I got so excited as I thought I was getting better but now I've flipped to the other side and sweat profusely.

As inconvenient as sweating profusely is, it's a lot easier to manage than not sweating. I don't have to worry about overheating as much. I'm more like your 'average' person in that. Just recently I started to worry that my sweating ability had pretty much disappeared again only to realize I'd moderated my physical behaviour to such an extent that I just didn't break out in a sweat that and the fact that Sydney's humidity levels have been unseasonably low (don't tell me there's no such thing as global warming) . But not to worry, the last week or so has reassured me that I'm still sweating. I've had to be very physical getting ready to move house and sweat is pouring off me again.

Do you sweat? was one of the questions that the doctor who diagnosed pots asked me some years ago. At that time I had not sweat for 4 years and I remember saying that no doc has ever asked me that before, and telling him I was 4 years no sweating.


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I sweat very little - not at all until I began plasma exchanges - now, just a little. I have noticed I get very hot quite quickly - not like a hot flash but, just generally hot but, can't sweat to cool down. I keep a fan near my recliner and by my bed just in case I need a little help to cool down. Now that winter is approaching, I am having cold spells - I lose circulation in my fingers and my legs turn mottled and cold. I haven't decided which is worse, too hot or too cold - can't cool off yet, can't warm up either...

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