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Problems With Leg


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Hi guys,

I have been waiting since June to see our local neurologist Dr Chemali. My appointment was reschedule from by his office from sept 17 to Novemeber 1 due to expected travel . I was very disappointed. To give yu a little ino on me, I have history of numbness, enlarged optic disc/nerve, dry eye syndrome with lacrimal duct plugs

neuropathy/ unusual sensation and pregnancy induced POTS.

I had abnormal QSART test and excessive and unusual nerve fibers with skin biopsy from my right ankle and RT hip. I have had normal neuro exam except for my right arm due cord compressiona and had spinal fusion and right leg hypereflexia ( reason unknown).

For the past few weeks, I have noticed spastic gait with my right leg, it was mild and not easily seen, but now worsening, almost as if I'm wearing a knee immobilizer or my leg is magnetic and its stuck or stiff .My mother even noticed it when we went shopping today for the first time. The faster I walk the worst it gets. I was also demonstrating the "Tandem gait, a.k.a drunk driving test/walk" with a friend ( I don' drink ) and I couldn't get my right foot/leg to move. It got spastic and with the foot curve inward with toes fanning out. I cried because I knew this was not normal. I also had problems with the "heel to Shin test" with the same leg. I don't know if any of you are suffering from dysautonomia has had these symptoms or something similar. Please let me hear from you. I'm afraid this may be something different.

Thanks for taking the time to read and/or respond to my problem

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Hey Marigold

Just try to calm down. You will be okay. Have you ever had a brain scan? Dont overwhelm yourself with something you dont have control over, that will only make other symptoms worst. Take it a tranquil step at a time. Also, acupuncture is a really powerful curative tool. I would go to an acupuncturist and get my brain scanned if that happened to me.

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Just wanted to give some update.

I has more problems with walking with the right leg this week-end. Was seen in the ER and was diagnosed with Ataxia. CT without constrast was normal ( I has severe reaction to constrast in the past) . I will get more answers hopefully in November. Thank

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Did you tell them about your neuropathy? I think I might actually have something close to what you have aswell because of your post, I noticed that my right arm doesn't move nearly as much as my left when walking and it feels really annoying. I kid of feel like something is out of place there. Ataxia sounds like a very general diagnosis to me. I didn't read enough on it though so maybe I'm wrong.

Why did you go to the er btw?

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not sure if you're interested in reading some articles that may shed some light onto your problem, but I'll attach them here anyways (feel free to disregard them).



You might want to look into Shy Drager syndrome also known as Multiple-System Atrophy.

Hopefully Dr Chemali is going to be able to help you get to the bottom of this.

Best of luck and please keep us in the loop.


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Corina, Thank you!


I did tell them that I have neuropathy. I was told that I have a "complex case " that dr Chemali will be the one to work-me up. I also went to the ER because I never had it my walk so pronounce and so spastic. It was so difficualt to walk and my family was panic due to our family history of extensive stroke from ages 35 and early forties). I'm 42 and I don't have issues with high BP but my BP was up yesterday due to difficulty in walking and just worried.


You are amazing. Keep up the good work. I thank you so much for going the extra mile for me with this great info. You made my day.

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Marigold, I am in the same boat! I am in the process of getting a more accurate diagnoses to explain ataxia. My symptoms have been more gradual, but I am REALLY noticing it lately, and it is really concerning me also, so I know how it must feel for you. My walking has become rather clumsy, although my problem is mostly with my hand coordination, trunk weakness, eye control and speech. It is all really apparent to me when the neurologist tests me for this. I have lost the ability to tie my own shoes (lol) but other that it is more frustrating then anything, knowing your body is not cooperating with you. I have found that when frustration sets in, I just need to stop, take some deep breaths and calm myself. Trying to stay calm and relaxed is what is helping me the most to deal with this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to give you some updates with my first visit with Dr Chemali. I found out that I have muscle weakness in my legs... worst is my right leg through neuro exam which is causing me problems with walking at times ( see my initial post). My legs feels like I've climbed hundred steps in a short period of time. I also have weekness in my face and upper extremites, which he felt maybe due to my neck ( I have hx of herniations and degenerativae disc and past neck surgery) and general hyperreflexes. He also diagnosed me with small fiber neuropathy and myopathy. We are planning to find out the cause of the myopathy which is contributing to my muscle weakness. I'm schedule for EMG Dec 5th and I'm dreading it. He also plan to repeat the skin biopsy again. I'm going to start a low dose of neurotin 100mg three times a day adn pray that my muscles doesn't conitnue to lose strengtht. Thank you all for you support and feedback. I will update you as needed.

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