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Change In Bodily Sensation


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Hey everybody i wanted to see if anyone get this thing that i do from time to time, its sort of hard to explain but i'll give it a try: i notice that sometimes it almost feels like i get these random sudden changes in how some part of my body feels, like sometimes it will feel like theres a changed in how my breathing feels, or it feels like it just turns off for a second which then forces me to take in a deep breath, or with sometimes when eating swallowing food will feel weird for a second or two and then go back to normal, and with my heart it will seem like something just feels weird with it for a few seconds and then goes back to normal. None of this is painful, and its not exactly a lack of sensation because i can still feel it, its almost like my body percieves these sensations differently for a minute, like someone turns a switch off and then back on a again, and i usually get a quick kind of feeling like my head goes into panic mode for a second and then it goes back to normal agian, just leaving me feeling weird. Hopefully that makes sense its kind of hard to describe if i can think of a better way to put it i'll add it later, but just wanted to see if anyone gets anything similair, thanks.

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Hi Statesof

I do get this.. I feel like my heart gets "stuck" sometimes. I feel like my breathing is uncomfortable sometimes everyday, like it becomes forced (my ex doctor actually saw this on his own without me telling him) in the mornings sometimes when I wake up on my back, my lowe face will be a bit numb. Is any of this on point?

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Sometimes I think 'oh, my heart just stopped'. Like my body feels like it just 'stops' for a split second.

Usually there's always something tingling on my body (foot, fingers, leg, etc) and sometimes it just feels like the tingling stops, but just for a second.

Or I'll get a split second where my head feels weird like right before you take a plunge from the top of a roller coaster and you get that light headed feeling. All weird sensations....

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-Yea dkd your kinda explaining it how it feels to me, almost like a you suddenly loose the the sensation for a second, so if its my breathing it will feel like that part of my body just turns off for a second, forcing me to take a forcefull deep breath and kinda puts me in a panic for a second. And yea there is a head sensation each time it happens i just assumed it was my head going into panic mode for a second but that roller coaster thing you describe definately makes sense.

-Hanice i think what i'm trying to describe is a bit different, but i do get werid heart sensations like my whole chest will just feel messed up, or just feel "bad", or feel fluttery for a while, or just almost like a lightheadedness for my heart type of sensation.

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I'm new on here and I found your thread so I registered to join in the conversation. Do you feel like you "forget to breathe" and it feels like you "HAVE to take a deep breath and kind of do it on your own?"

I get this feeling out of nowhere and it freaks me out. I have so many things that go on with me and I don't even know if it's all related. I get pins and needles in my hands, feet and even in my buttocks and my crotch area! I'm either sweating like I ran a marathon in 105 degree weather and feel like I have no air around me or I have the chills. I can't go near any kind of heat or I sweat and feel "out of it", I get horrible brain fog and people say they can literally see the color drain out of my face, I am so weak, I can't exercise, I can't walk up a flight of steps without my heart pounding, I have muscle pain and so much more. Problem is, I had a full thyroidectomy in 2008 so I'm hypothyroid and don't know which is causing the problem. Does anyone else get like this also?

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I'm new on here and I found your thread so I registered to join in the conversation. Do you feel like you "forget to breathe" and it feels like you "HAVE to take a deep breath and kind of do it on your own?"

Yes! I get this. Welcome to dinet!

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Yep. Every day/week brings fun new groups of odd bodily sensations for me to deal with: difficulty swallowing and breathing (both 'forgetting' to breathe & a constricted feeling), heart palpitations, adrenaline surges, numbness, electrical vibrations, the air touching my skin burns, I can't tell hot from cold ... and one of the weirdest: feeling like my cell's on vibrate and I'm sitting on it. I can assure you it's not as enjoyable as it sounds.

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Sorry, last one. . My brain fog makes me forget what I wanted to say sometimes. I just found out what the name is from a PA from my Dr office who said it nonchalantly while looking at my file.. I am so glad I found this forum, now I feel I have people who actually understand. Thanks for being patient with my multiple posts and responding :o)

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