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Salt Tablets - What A Nightmare!


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Yikes, I really wish I had researched the possible side effects of salt tablets before buying them!

I got some Sodium Chloride tablets from a company called CMC today, trying to boost my blood pressure as my midodrine, even on the 5mg dose is not keeping it up. I got them from the pharmacy, the pharmacist did not say anything about possible side effects, and neither did the bottle.

Within a few minutes of taking one tablet , I nearly vomited. This subsided as I relaxed a bit then ate some food to help coat my stomach.


About five hours or so later I had the worst upset stomach ( won't go into details). It was ... horrible to say the least. How can anyone take these? Is there any form of salt tablet that won't destroy the stomach? Because good grief, if not, I might dissolve like half a tablet in some food or something but otherwise these tablets are worthless

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My son takes these salt tablets. He takes 2 tablets after he has ate his meal. I would suggest that you cut the tablet in half and try again only after you have a full meal with something to drink. If this does not seem to work ,try the Thermotabs. They can be ordered by the pharmacy. These are buffered salt tablets. My son can take these any time of the day with water or they can be taken with a meal.


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My son and daughter both take Thermotabs, after eating. Like Rachel stated, they are buffered. Neither of my kids have an issue with them. The doctor recommended buffered ones. They make sure to take them after eating though. I have gotten them at Walgreens, they keep them in the pharmacy and when they were out they just ordered them for me. I have also gotten them on Amazon.com.

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I am only able to tolerate the CMC sodium chloride tablets if taken with lots of fluid and with food. Without the fluid and food I'm sure they would cause a major GI upset. Instead of the sodium chloride tablets which I do still take if I am out of the house I usually dissolve a measured amount of sea salt into a small amount of water and just down it and as with the sodium chloride tablets I consume a large amt of fluid and make sure I have food with it. I think the key with any of the consumed salt forms is to make sure you have food in your stomach with it.


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As well as enough fluid to dilute it out.

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Yeah I made the mistake of taking it on an empty stomach. I ate right afterward and felt better, except for the whole upset stomach later on. I think I will do as everyone suggested. Since I have these tablets now, I will cut them in half and eat them with food. After I run out, I'll switch to thermotabs. I don't understand though why the bottle doesn't warn about the side effects

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