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Do You Have These "unrelated" Symptoms? Please Join In

Guest Hanice

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Guest Hanice

I have chronic sinusitis I know certain scholarly pages on the subject do link CHRONIC SINUSITIS to pots but..

Do you have INTENSE PRESSURE IN YOUR FACE AND HEAD when you stand up or lay flat on your belly with elbows holding you up?

A CHOKING SENSATION upon standing?

Do you have MERCURY fillings or root canals in your mouth?



Do you have BLACK MOLD on your windows in your house? *please check*

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We do grow mold in our window sills. I have to bleach them every so often.

I don't lie on my belly due to the pressure on my face, it's always been that way. It's uncomfortable.

I DO NOT feel pressure on my face when I stand up.

I do have mercury fillings and have wondered if they might be compromising my health. Let me add that I have them because my adult teeth came in with much missing enamel. The dentist when I was about 9 put bonding on my front teeth and mercury fillings on my back ones that were missing enamel. I think the missing enamel was already a sign of a bad immune system. I had a bad virus with a very high fever (hong kong flu I am told) while my adult teeth were forming in my gums.

I am NOT a vegetarian or vegan, although I probably eat less meat than regular carnivores.=)

My symptoms first started as a teen, approximately 30 years ago. It didn't disable me until 2 years ago.

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We moved about 10 months ago, now and I don't have any mould at this new place.

I used to have really bad sinusitis. I had two operations on my sinuses to enlarge sinuses of the face both sides of the nose, straighten a broken septum (which I could not see looking at but it showed up in x-ray) and remove a nasal polyp. The first op didn't work, the second one did and I went sinus problem free for 10 years but for the past years sinusitis is back.

My teeth and gums are dreadful and I try to look after them well with brushing, flossing and using interdens brushes and have done all my life. I have missing molars, caps and lots of mercury fillings. I sometimes wonder if the mercury fillings are causing all this illness but the ADA (Australian) officially denies any thing wrong with these fillings. Or at least they did, when I last looked some years ago.


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no to the sinusitis

no to the mold

no to the face/head pressure

yes to root canals and amalgam fillings

no to vegan/vegetarian, but I'm not a huge meat fan

my tachy episodes started 2 years ago, but they were not orthostatic in nature, 6 mo later I was diagnosed with POTS by TTT (in the 6 mo from the onset of my tachy to my TTT I had numerous poor man's tilt tests that showed no signs of POTS...still not sure what to make of it)

Hope this helps,


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No to the mold.

No to the face/head pressure.

Yes to the amalgam fillings.

No to vegan/vegetarian

POTS symptoms started after surgery

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Guest Hanice

Yes to mold and sinusitis. My MRIs always show it. I often have black specs in my mucus that docs ignore. Yes to the intense pressure when standing. No to fillings and no to being a vegetarian. Are you linking this to something??

Yes I think the mercury filling might just be responsible for all this ****...I want to get them all removed now.

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Guest Hanice

I thinks we should all get the emalgom mercury removed safely with a dentist that knows how dangerous it can be to rwmove it. A dentist that knows how to do it safely. This is so messed up this isnt idopathic, there is definite reason behind all this nonsense. I have a root canal that the crown fell off and as soon as it did my symtpoms got crazy worst

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Guest Hanice

Yes, a million times yes, to the face/head pressure. No to everything else. My POTS symptoms started about 9-10 months ago to the best of my knowledge.

By any chance do also get a choking sensation upon standing??

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