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Weird Scary Experience; Can Any Potsies Relate?


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I haven't actually been tested for POTS yet (scheduled for the end of July) but the other tests I had done were normal and I have the trademark symptoms, plus I'm a 21 year old girl and my symps started with a flu, so my cardiologist thinks it's pretty likely. But I had one or two episodes I don't know what to make of, and docs have no particular theories.

Basically one day I was having a really bad pots (or whatever) day. I went to hospital cos I felt faint, actually fainted, but was sent home cos everything looked normal and I'd already had a bunch of tests done. Spent the whole evening after that feeling AWFUL, like I had a terrible fever even though I didn't, and I had this icky metallic taste in my mouth. Earlier that day I'd been roasting and pouring sweat, and in the evening I sort of crashed, dried up and got very cold (this happens to me lately).

Anyway, I was lying there with these aches in my face and arm and chest, feeling really weak and my heart going slowish for me these days (in the high 60s/low 70s), when suddenly I felt this buzzing all over for a second, and my heart took off POUNDING at about 150 (can't be sure exactly). You would not believe a heart could beat that hard; it felt like it was going to beat itself out or something, or someone was hitting me from inside. Terrifying. Yelled to my boyfriend to call an ambulance, and by the time they got there fifteen minutes later my vitals were normal, except I was numb and tingling all over from hyperventilation. At hospital the tests were normal.

What's weird is, the pounding heart seemed to make the pains go away. I was looking for them, and they were just gone, and started to come back slightly the more my heart slowed. And after the episode, I didn't feel half so weak and feverish (still had the awful taste for a while mind). So was this my body's way of reperfusing itself and keeping itself conscious or something? Was the buzzing I felt an adrenaline release? Was it sort of like MORE BLOOD, MORE BLOOD NOW! Cos I don't know what to think otherwise.

Has anyone had any similar experiences?

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Yes, if I'm reading this correctly I think I experience similar patterns. Oftentimes I'll have a period of time where my blood pressure is low so I feel achey, tired and just crummy but I'm not experiencing tachycardia. Then I'll have these episodes of tachycardia where my heart rate just spikes and I can't even stand. Then I'll generally restore back to pretty "normal" vitals for a while (my blood pressure will go up to a normal type of range). This is actually generally the pattern that my POTS follows. My doctor said that it could be adrenaline spikes, or it could be my body's attempt to correct for the low blood pressure (which of course is a total overracted attempt because my autonomic systems are screwy).

I think that other people have surely experienced something similar as well. My POTS is sort of fleeting, I don't feel like complete garbage every single day. My vitals can be beautifully normal one day and really off the next. I have pretty wild swings in it.

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I have had what you are describing...the FORCEFUL heartbeats. That is the worst.One doctor told me after low BP it is the recovery phase...nope don't think so. Yes I feel terrified but try to keep breathing slowly to not add more problems to the mix. Have gone to the ER..but....given IV fluids at least.

I do understand.

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Yes, I've had similar experiences. I've also had the experience of being taken to a health center at a university by paramedics because I completely collapsed and had trouble regaining consciousness in a building on campus, but they just checked me for a concussion, gave me a glass of water, and sent me home saying I was fine. Yeah, right. If you feel something is wrong, I think it's a good idea to pursue it.

I also have had the buzzing feeling, and occasionally one or both of my ears will stop working properly and I'll just hear a buzzing sound.

Also, you can get an inexpensive heart monitor so you can see for yourself how your HR fluctuates. I find this to be really helpful, and it would give you more information for doctors in the future.

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Hi Freaked,

I have had many such episodes in the past, mostly waking me up from sleep at night. I believe they are adrenaline surges (particularly since you said that once it happened your pain went away). I did catch one such event on a Holter monitor and when I got the results, I learned that despite the scary feeling, my heart was always in sinus rhythm - which is a good thing. Hopefully your dr will consider a Holter in order to properly evaluate you, and you will be able to capture one such event on "tape" so to speak (not that I wish you go through that again) Then you'd have more information about whatever it it that goes on with you.

Keep us posted.



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Thanks for the replies; helped me not to freak out too much until my event monitor on Monday. No idea what my blood pressure was like beforehand, but I've had hypotensive probs before and I felt terribly weak. I've also had adrenaline surges before, but just not like that. I really never would have believed my heart could beat that hard. Hopefully it was just some weird extreme compensation thing.

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