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Pulsating Blood Vessels Back Of Head


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Anyone else have this and/or know what it is? I started having it every night when I put my head on the pillow and it never lets up making it hard to sleep. I can feel actual blood vessels pulsing against the pillow and I can feel them with my hand. Very annoying! If I turn my head then I have it there... My blood pressure in bed is rather low - 105/55 currently, pulse 52

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I have/had the same thing. Also can feel what seems like blood bubbling in my neck when I lay down. I put the head of my bed up 4 inches and it helps. I also take my time lying down...I start sitting up in bed, then I semi lay on some pillows then I slide down slowly over time...letting my blood vessels decide if they are going to dilate or constrict when they're supposed to. I breath in thru my nose and take long active exhales - not sure why I do this. Sometimes right sidelying makes it worse so I stay on my left or propped on a few pillows. Being on my belly with hands over head seems to calm my tachycardia but I don't know why and that doesnt even make sense to me because in standing - hands over head makes me OI. I don't think our blood vessels know what to do in dysautonomia - lay down slowly and try not to confuse them...hehe. I think the body can be retrained. It's scary though, and I also have low supine/lying BP. I pushed the worry aside and that helps. I chose to believe that nothing bad was going to happen to me, I just felt bad but will always wake up in the morning.

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