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my pots started after birth- baby passed away 2 weeks later POTS for this girl. BUT I have other symptoms. low fever, anxiety, cant sleep , fatigue, weight loss, steratorrhea, TSH T7 T3 T4 levels all checked right after pregnancy and were normal. Had a benign nodule. Can I still have hyperthyroidism?? can levels change post pregnancy?


i wonder if pots started for me when my first son passed over 10 years ago? not sure. I mean, I didn't feel as horrible as I do now but going thru the trauma of loosing a child, I think it's a possibility that I could have triggered something then and didn't notice my symptoms cuz i was too numb? I was a waitress and was back to work in 1 week and a half after 7 months of pregnancy, and 1 month of that complete bed rest. no major symptoms right away when I went back to work, I would say within 2 years i slowly developed dizziness/almost blackouts/stars in eyes but nothing that scared me too bad. almost 10 years later is when I got major pots symptoms.

I am so sorry. I totally can relate to how you must feel loosing a child.


Am so sorry for your loss, and have had same loss. Had severe toxemia, and was in hospital for last three months, ending with placenta abruption. :(

Am not sure if any of that triggered stress in body to develop dysautonomia later in life, but do think life traumas can have effects physically.

My onset of dys was sow grade fever, lumps in lymph nodes, drenching sweats and weight loss. Initially lymphoma was possibility, and went through biopsies and other.

I did have thyroid testing, but that came back normal.

Wishing you nothing but the best, and hope answers, solutions and healing come soon.


Oh, tpapik, i am so sorry to hear about your baby. Stay strong in yourself girl, you are amazing. Sorry, I dont know any anwers to your others questions, just wanted to say I hear you and I am sorry to know it. My heart goes out to you.


shakingtheowl- I also had a placental abruption- I lost her at 6 months prego- she lived a week. but I bled my whole pregnancy- had a subchrionic hemmorage that turned into an abruption and emergency c-section


Tpapik, Some of the symptoms you've listed are concerning. The fever, weight loss and the sterratorha. Have they checked you "total quantitative immunoglobulins"? With the sterra is that just fatty stool that is associated with celiac disease or are you have symptoms of pancreatitis? In your other post you said you were in the hospital, is that because of these symptoms.

You may be fighting some kind of infection or autoimmune disease. What are you docs looking at.

I can't believe your having to deal with all this after such a difficult loss. I pray they will get to the bottom of this for you and you feel better physically. I know from my own experience the emotional stuff will take longer.


I'm so sorry for all you are dealing with. And again so sorry for your loss. My sister lost her son at 34 weeks. I have two other friends who lost babies shortly after they were born prematurely. I know it is very very hard and often a silent loss b/c many people do not understand how terribly devastating it is.

I also had placental abruption--during labor in the hospital--fortunately for me my outcome was good. But I never wanted to go through that again. I have wondered if there was a connection between abruption and POTS but I have not met many other women who have experienced both.

It really sounds like you need a good work up on a variety of medical questions. I hope your doctor is taking your symptoms seriously.


Tpapik, same here, emergency c-section, was in hospital because of severe toxemia. That morning the Dr were going to determine his lung size and schedule planned c-section. I was so excited that day with the news and also that I could get out of bed, and shower that day (had been restricted to bed for weeks) I started blacking out in shower and well, the rest.

He was stillborn, and I was at 8 months.

Incredibly challenging to heal through on all level, physical and emotionally.

I think it will be a lifetime healing process.

The strangest hardest part was waking up from the c-section, I knew intuitively.

I simply can not imagine feeling so poorly from abruption and blood loss and go through what you went through, my Heart goes to you and her.

(I did end up getting blood transfusions post surgery, was in pretty bad shape)

We named him Matthias Christopher, he was such a beautiful baby.


Ps- am curious if they have answer regarding the fever / weight loss. I ran low grade daily for year and half. (onset of what now is dx dysautonomia)

Went through extensive infectious disease testing and auto immune. (both negative ) and with lumps in lymph nodes, nodules on ct scan of lung.

The fever never went over 102.5 and took almost a year to gain weight back.

Both with no explaination.

Also, I do not have the POTS sub type, OH and PAF with SFN.

Feel free to msg me, I wish I couldn't relate to what your going through, but do, and gladly lend an ear and heart.


Tpapik, Some of the symptoms you've listed are concerning. The fever, weight loss and the sterratorha. Have they checked you "total quantitative immunoglobulins"? With the sterra is that just fatty stool that is associated with celiac disease or are you have symptoms of pancreatitis? In your other post you said you were in the hospital, is that because of these symptoms.

You may be fighting some kind of infection or autoimmune disease. What are you docs looking at.

I can't believe your having to deal with all this after such a difficult loss. I pray they will get to the bottom of this for you and you feel better physically. I know from my own experience the emotional stuff will take longer.

That's why I am in the Hospital- im a nurse so - I understand most of it. no I don't have pancreatitis no I don't have celiac disease they don't know what I have- as for the fever I had strep throat- its slowely going away. I have weight Loss BECAUSE of sterrahorea. that means my body isn't digesting fats- im going for a second colonoscopy today. I am being followed by what I believe is good doctors- ive lost a total 19 lbs in 4 months - some takes part in that was baby fat some is I was nausteaed when I was first diagnosed some was well my underlying unknown cause- I had an ANA 1:80 speckeled- I see rheumo soon- My Cardio things my dismobility in my bowels secondary to POTS causing malabsorption. Another thinks Small bowel overgroweth. we don't know. I was tested for all the IGG's so far and those are all normal, not IGE yet. I have had many a tests. RUQ ultrasound CT abdomen/pelvis, echo, EGD, colonoscopy, MRI brain, CT angiogram chest, many blood works, tryptsase, Xray of belly Xray of spine, thyroid biopsy, - been tested out of mastocytosis, thyroid cancer, adrenal tumors, there is no pancreatic masses; so no I don't know whats going on. I also had labs drawn for paraneoplastic auto antibodies, negative, I have had skin biopsys and thermoregulatory sweat test that was negative for any neuropathys. so this is where we stand- I am not ignoring my symptoms I promise if you have any other ideas it is appreciated im not scared

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