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Causes For Splotchy Blood Pooling Skin?


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When this 1st began years ago I had pooling and splotchiness only when standing or sitting with my feet on the floor. It has spread to my arms and abdomen and happens almost always unless I'm laying down for an extending period.

It happens immedienty if I get stressed out or over emotional...

I have mentioned it to a rheumy and I've been tested for clotting concerns (all clear) I even asked could it be caused by SFN and was told I'd have more pains than I do.

I guess its so BOLD that I felt my skin was trying to give a clue into what was going on on the inside???

Anyone have an idea, or have noticed this is pretty common for the splotchiness to increase over time?


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It definitely increased for me! It used to be my legs/ backs of my arms would occasionally get purple but now it's constant unless they are in the air.

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Hmmm ok so I'm not alone, what type of doc tests for SFN? I asked the rheumy but she was stuck on the pains not being adequate enough even though I do have random burning sensation and pins& needles they just don't stick around long thats all...I'll try the coffee water trick guess the caffeine is suppose to constrict the veins or something I take it?...

Also for people with SFN is that a cause for POTS, or just a separate issue with a cause to also find?

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