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Anyone Diagnosed With Mixed Connective Tissue Disease


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I was having alot of spine pain- i went to the ER Xrays negetive and for some reason this infectious disease doc i work with i was tlaking to him about my ANA 1:80 speckeled. and he goes "I think you have mixed connective tissue disease" what the heck?!? all he did was spin me into another worry :(

just want to know if anyone has good info on it or should I just put it in one ear and out the other , hes not even a rheumo. my symptoms are


weight loss

gurgaly stomach.

spine pain.

........ le sigh i hate workin in hospitals sometimes

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It was suggest I have a connective tissue disorder when I was first looking for a diagnoses (and was misdiagnosed), since I have bad hypermobile joints that dislocate all the time. I spent some time reading about "Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome" and "marfan syndrome". If you dont know anything about those, you might want to look them up.

I see many people with EDS on the forum that might be able to give advice.

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who diagnosied you with EDS- a firend of mine things i have it . Pale skin, my elbows are hypermobile, I popped my hip out of place in 2010 otherwise I was a gymnast for 18 years but not nearly as flexible :( so i dont know

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who diagnosied you with EDS- a firend of mine things i have it . Pale skin, my elbows are hypermobile, I popped my hip out of place in 2010 otherwise I was a gymnast for 18 years but not nearly as flexible :( so i dont know

I was never diagnosed, it was just suggested as something I should possibly look into. I really didnt look into it any further, since hypermobile joints really dont cause me much trouble. I was way more concerned about the cardiovascular side of things. If a doctor thinks you possibly have EDS or a connective tissue disorder, make certain you have had all the proper cardio tests!

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Racer- I have ahd about 30 EKG[s blood volume test Echo stress test. Halter monitors all came out normal- not sure if theres any other cardio tests to do.

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