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For Those Of You With Mcad...


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I take high dose antihistamines (20-30 mgs Loratadine, 80-120 mgs Famotidine)


Adderall 10 mg 2-3x day--- which I'm taking for POTS but seems to be a super vasoconstrictor for me when my body will absorb it.

For me Vasodialation is a big issue that antihistamines and other vasoconstrictors really help.

I'm trailing low dose aspirin therapy.

I also take Mestinon 60 mg 2-3x day

Clonazepam .5 mg at bed

Vitamin D

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aderall is basically sythythetic meth so use it with caution- as rx.d benzo's i am not judging you, please believe me, my sister and so many of my sweetest friends got themselves in a mess over that stuff i hear (aderall) so be careful. born and raised in midwest...like every pharmosicial co. out there dr.'s get $ to promote drugs ie aderall is huge out there, and from what i hear, even celebrities take bb's to relax themselves.. i have seen so many of my friends get messed up off that stuff,,,aderall....so that is my only precaution.

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sorry nj, i was not trying to try to hijack but the only things i have to suggest are:

1. listen to your child breathe....it is healing

2. yoga

3. practice coherant breathing ....i have the cd....its like breathe 4 counts out, 5 counts in, mississippi 1 etc. gd, hope i spelled mississippi correctly. coherant breathing my neuro got me the cd for free and mentioned it has been successful with correctining hypertension, pots.

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