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Klonopin Question


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i've been on klonopin 4 over a year, and have not experienced that. whether I take .5 or 2 mg it doesn't seem to affect my sleepiness although other's on this forum seem to have a different experience. I would go very slow, maybe shaving off 1/4 of what you are currently taking at a time, wait 2 weeks and then see, since it seems to have such an effect on you......ask your doc? Also, unlike most I rarely take it at bedtime, usually in the a.m. when I am tachy with big bp flux's. But, like I said, it doesn't make me sleepy at all, just makes me relaxed and able to focus on the task at hand by calming my adrenal rushes.

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Thanks for responding Angela. I am waiting to hear back on the plan for weaning from my nurse. I only took 2.5 last nite and the same tonite. Not sure when/if I will feel any difference.

What do adrenaline surges feel like? Does your BP or HR shoot up when you have them? I do not have problems with low bp but at times my BP will go up. I take Ivabradine for my HR and it works really well


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derekliz, I am wondering why they have you on klonopin if you do not have adrenal surges? or are you just asking me what mine feel like when I do? If so, it's just basically what I would describe as a panic attack, a feeling of terror, doom, something's wrong but IDK what, shortness of breath, disorientation. i'm not sure it my bp or heart rate has much to do with the surges, they usually now only happen when I am trying to drive so I couldn't say exactly what is affecting my vitals, the noise distortion and confusion, or just my bp/hr going crazy affecting my vision and hearing, but I know klonopin helps me the most in the a.m. when both are up and I experiencing all the symptoms of first standing up after being flat for so long . I notice at night I feel most uncomfortable if I have unexplained tachy even when lying down-since recently when that happens my bp drops but not my hr and i don't know why. So that's when I take my occassional .5 at night- but that's not so often. when I used to wake up in early a.m. between 2 and 4 am with unexplained feelings of terror and rapid hr, I so wish I had klonopin then! but that symptom hasn't really happened since I've been on klonopin. Not sure if it's cause the klonopin is already in my system and has a long half life or just my pots ever changing? But, klonopin works so well for me and I won't try changing unless I start experiencing negative side effects or it stops working like it does....maybe you need to try out a different benzo or ssri? Also, I am on the generic of klonopin, not sure if that makes a difference.

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I had a similar issue being sleepy/drowsy at 1 mg k a day. Then my dr decided to cut that to 0.5 mg a day and I paid the consequences, even though at that point I had been on k for only 3 months.

The 'rule' for decreasing benzo doses is 5-10% every 10-14 days as per Dr Ashton - an expert in the field.

In my opinion the cut from 0.5 to 0.25 is a bit steep.

On the other hand, everyone reacts differently to meds, still your dr should be able to help you out.



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I also take Klonopin .5mg at bedtime, at first for my awful tachy that woke me up at night, but I also have sleep apnea; then my doctor gave me a half tab in the morning, too,because of my rigidity in my jaw, so it takes the edge off in the morning, so I can get up and start moving, too. I also have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, too, so I'm on Neurontin for that, but they both do not affect the same pathways of the brain from what I understand chemically, so I'm fine with both of them...

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