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Pots And Sinus Pressure


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Can POTS cause sinus/head issues?

I am not prone to sinus problems at all but since this last recurrence of symptoms I keep getting these really weird pressure feelings in my sinuses and head. Sometimes I get lots of pressure in my nose but I have no congestion what so ever and haven't been sick since December (flu). I have also had lots of pressure in my temple area too and also just in my head in general. I had it really bad all night last night while trying to sleep. It is sometimes kind of painful and I get pain in the back of my head, but mostly lots and lots of pressure. When I have it in my temple area I will also have some tingling/numbness in that area. Actually, I have had tingling and numbness in my head too.

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I'm not sure if its related to POTS but I have horrible sinus pressure and also get migraine headaches.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So this particular symptom is still bad! I am going to see my doc on Thursday. I told my husband today that I just can't take it anymore. I have got to get some relief from what ever is causing this. I honestly feel like someone/thing is trying to push my teeth out of my mouth, but again I have NO sinus issues right now other that this weird pressure feeling. It is painful sometimes but not mostly. My jaws are also feeling weird with this. It's not just in my sinus area either, it's all over my head. I do not understand but I sure hope to get some answers this week. It's freaking me out and making my anxiety level go up way too much!

If anyone has any thoughts about this, I'd love to hear them (or read them in this case:)


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Are y'all SURE it's sinus pressure or just front of the face pressure?

I get headaches like this too and for a while I thought they were sinus headaches (but without any congestion) until a doctor told me they were probably tension headaches. If you read about types of headaches, these two can be confused and lot of people just assume sinus. Back of head pain is also classic tension headache pain. I've also had a little tingling with really bad ones.

I used to get these occasionally before POTS, if I was really tired or stressed, but now I get them way more often. The good news it that if they are tension headaches they might be annoying and occasionally pretty painful but they're not serious. If you get other symptoms with them as well (visual disturbances, nausea, etc.), it's probably something else.

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I am not sure it's sinus related but it's definitely pressure in those areas sometimes. I have no sinus symptoms at all other than these weird pressure feelings. They happen in lots of different places on my head though, not just my sinus area. I sometimes feel like someone is trying to push something through the bridge of my nose or trying to push my teeth out of my mouth. It doesn't just happen on my upper teeth either. I happens on the lower as well. I feel like my jaw/facial muscles are very tight sometimes. I also get a squeezing sensation sometimes too. Or a tingling/creepy crawly feeling. The creepy crawly feeling only happens on my head but I will get the tingling on my face as well. I have had some of these symptoms for a while now but It has been pretty constant since Friday of last week.

Honestly....I hate going to the doctor and telling them this stuff because it sounds so ridiculous, but it is driving me crazy!

I did read some about tension headaches and it talked about a "pressure" feeling, so maybe it's something like that. I just wouldn't use the word "headache" to necessarily describe my symptoms so I just don't know. UGH!

I have looked at some TMJ stuff but I don't seem to fit the criteria for that but I guess it could be??? I have no idea, I just know she's going to have to do something or I'm gonna go batty.

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