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How Do You Search Earlier Years?


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The search feature is tricky. The old one worked much better!

If you click on the little gear image next to the search box, it will open a form that will allow you to narrow down your search options. You can search for posts within a certain time period. You can also narrow a search down by member name.

Hope this helps!


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That's the other problem with the current search feature. It will only bring up a few pages of results if you search for a commonly used term, such as POTS. If you narrow down the time frame to only a few months, you should be able to find the posts. It's a pain, I know! I miss the old search feature that would bring up all of the posts all the way back to the beginning of the forum, no matter how many pages there were.

I just discovered that we now only have the option of narrowing down a search back to the year 2007. That's a forum feature that I can't change. The old posts are still there, it's just really hard to find them. I was able to find an old post of mine from 2005 because I knew that I had used an unusual word. By typing that word into the search box, and narrowing the search down by member name, my post came up. It's not always possible to do that, though.

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I just checked the forum search settings, and the maximum number of results allowed is 1000. I can't set it any higher. So if you're looking for something that isn't discussed as often, you'll likely find a lot or all of the posts. But if you're searching for something common then it will be hard to find it all. I can't find a way to change the search dates so that they go back before 2007.

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