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Low Blood Pressure While Sleeping?


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Based upon my symptoms upon waking, I believe I have low blood pressure while asleep. I know that the main concerns of hypotension are falling and fainting, which can't happen since I'm already lying down, but it is pretty disturbing to think that I might not be getting enough blood to my brain and other organs while I'm asleep. Plus, I feel absolutely terrible in the morning, even when I wake up naturally (without an alarm). I am currently being treated with Midodrine which is very helpful during the day, but I was instructed not to take it at night because it might cause high blood pressure while supine. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas on how to treat it?

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This was me. I also used hydrocortisone. No more than 20mg/day. I would salt and hydrate before I even got out of bed. Eventually after a short period on midrodine my BP began to stabilize. I have no clue why this started and pretty much no real clue why it ended. It can happen though ~ good luck

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I drink alot of fluids before bed (of course I get up alot to pee) and drink a powerade and 20 oz of v-8 before even getting out of bed. I basically salt load and drink lots of fluids. If I don't drink fluids before bed I wake up dizzy, sweating, and tachy.

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