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Mcas Symptoms, Are You Sick All The Time?


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I took my son into our family doctor to do a follow up. I also took some of the MCAS articles that have been posted on line.Great articles! You guys are so helpful. Our doctor is going to look at the information. My son has allergies and has strange rashes from time to time. He has the flushing and pain issues. He has been tested for food and other allergies but nothing showed up. However, if I don't keep him on allergy meds, he has a runny noise or a hoarse voice. If his vocal tic starts up and I give him more allergy medicine, it stops an hour later. So I am getting a little suspious about MCAS. However, our doctor said that my son would be sick with infections and virus all the time. Is this true? When our son first got sick, he was sick all the time and thats when I started giving more vitamins and supplements. Does MCAS keep a person sick all the time or do the symptoms come and go?

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For my son, he is sick all the time...not virus sick, but symptom sick. He is nauseated 24/7 in varying degrees and he deals with fatigue/exhaustion and sleep issues. Dr Afrin said it could wax and wane, so people aren't necessarily sick all the time. He said some people feel better for periods of time. Like POTS, MCAS varies from person to person.

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I am the same with my MCAS......I don't get a lot of infections except for sinus....but I suffer symptoms of some kind 24/7. There are good days and bad days but never Great! days if that makes sense. In regards to the regular allergy testing I was negative to almost everything also but had flushing on the chest but not at the RAST sites. My specialist said this was a good clinical criteria for mast cell involvement ....also every person with mast cell can present differently...it is not an absolute science. The best way to go about it would be to have your GP do a trial run of MCAS meds ie; Zantac, antihistamines and see if your son has any improvement....that really is one of the best indicators....good luck :)


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I have MCAS but haven't had a cold/flu in at least 5 years. I do have some version of symptoms most days but that could range to just a few hives on my cheek to having flushing with an acute POTS attack. I am clearly not a doctor but from what you are describing, I would pursue an appointment with an expert on the subject because it certainly sounds like MCAS.

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I haven't been diagnosed yet but I really think I have mast cells isues. I would tend to think it depends on the person and their exposure to triggers. I have had rast testing and have multiple allergies but I hardly ever get a cold or flu, but when I do its almost better than the everyday illness I get. I am constantly ill with sinus attacks, sneezing, swelling, swollen glands, nausea, headache with jaw pain, eye pain, the yucky d's , alternating fever and low temp and sugar cravings...and now pots. I was sick with strep alot as a child tehn had my tonsils out and never had it again but even then I remember strep not being as bad as the "allergy attacks" that last days.

I just started on Nasal Crom today and zantac 2 weeks ago. I was already on antihitimines to control the wheeze and allergy attacks. I started on a low low dose of zantac first. 75 mgs split in half, one before breakfast and one befroe dinner. Ive noticed it helps to take atleast half an hour to an hour before I eat. ( and p.s I have never had heartburn lol)

I ran out yesterday and didnt take one before dinner and had a noticable effect from eating. Heavy heartbeats, tachy, flushed and nauseated.I got right back on it today and that feeling has eased now, so I geuss it is helping...YAY! i May increase it a bit now that I know its doing something.Im hoping the nasal crom helps too. Its over the counter so cant beat it lol

Good luck with ur son, I hope u can find something that helps him soon!!

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