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Compromised Immune System Too???


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I was diagnosed with POTS in July of this year and things have just been spinning out of control since. One of the worst things I have noticed is I get sick so easy now. I work in the ER at night so I am exosed to a lot of different things in one shift but I have been doing this job for 2 years and I have not had problems before. Now, I catch pneumonia like every 3 months which puts me in the ICU because of my POTS. Does anyone else notice a connection with POTS and compromised immune system??

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There are a few of us with hypogammaglobulinemia. I have low IGG levels on subset level 1. So, there are issues with the immune system. I have almost no immunity to pneumonia. Of the 26 strains tested I barely had any immunity to 6 of them. I'm not one for vaccines - since my dad got Guillain Barre from a flu shot and I don't want a vaccine because of seeing how that goes. Doctor said I could die if I get pneumonia. An immunologist is who checked me for this.


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I just have my own experience to share. I have had POTS symptoms for 20+ years and my POTS really flared up a year ago.

For many years it seems like I have caught every germ that passed by me. I had at least 4 colds every year.

This past June I started seeing a doctor who practices Functional Medicine. One of her objectives is to strengthen my immune system. She has me on a ton of supplements (vitamin D, etc) that are supposed to strengthen my immune system. I'm also on a very restrictive diet with no refined foods. Amazingly, I have not caught a cold in over 6 months. This is unheard of for me! I've even been around my niece and nephew when they were sick at the beginning of the school year and I didn't catch their colds.

It's hard to say for sure, but maybe my doctor's efforts are paying off and I am developing a stronger immune system.

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I found out I had POTS after a very severe sinus infection and bronchitis. It took 5 rounds of antibiotics to clear it up. That was in April of 2010. In January of 2012, I spent a week at Mayo Clinic, MN where POTS was diagnosed. Since April of 2010 I have had numerous sinus infections, bronchitis, UTI's, and most recently pneumonia. Not only am I getting sick more frequently but when I do get sick it really wipes me out. My POTS symptoms are increased 10 fold and it takes a lot longer to recover than it used to. I often need more than one round of antibiotics.

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Hi all, Some of the symptoms you all are describing could be attributed to a primary immune deficiency. Primaryimmune.org is a good resource for more information on these conditions.

If you suspect you might have this and have many recurrent infections, I would be screened to rule it out, as not treating this illness could eventually lead to an untreatable infection.

I have common variable immune deficiency and am now being treated for it. The primary tests to determine if you have this is a "total quantitative immunoglobulin" a sub igg test, Ige, Igd and then a vaccine challenge test.

It treat with privigen ivig and shots of rocephine antibiotics when I have an infection on board. The ivig has reduced my infection rate and helped somewhat with my neuropathy.

Any infection will make your pots symptoms worse, as your body is fighting harder then usual. In my experience pots is usually a symptom of some other illness not the other way around.

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Same experience as FarmerAmy, was getting sick constantly. I eat no processed foods gluten, soy, corn free. I eat mainly meat, veggies, brown rice, quinoa and some fruit. I take a high dose of Vitamin D every day and it has made all the difference. It haven't been sick at all this year with anything other than POTS. I survived the stomach virus, a cold and the flu from my 5 year old over the last 8 months without even a sniffle.

I stay very far far away from antibiotics as they can destroy your bacteria in your gut and leave you with an even weaker immune system.

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