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How To Walk Again


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I was on this forum many years ago. Since then my pots has been keep sort of at bay. However i had a virus in may and haven't been able to walk since. My walking wasn't brilliant before.

I'm trying to stand up again but my p.o.t.s is really not happy. I also have eds, which doesn't help the situation as i have to wear leg braces to help me walk.

Can anyone advise me on how to get my body to adjust to being upright please. x

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Sounds like you are probably someone who has actual deconditioning as well as POTS going on. Is there any possibility of getting your doctor to refer you for home health physical therapy? Sounds like you need one-on-one supervised specialized care to help you get back on your feet as safely as possible.

Otherwise, the general theory would be something like...start with exercises in bed to strengthen legs and core. Use compression (get it on before you try getting up) if it's helpful. Have someone trustworthy nearby when you sit on the edge of the bed and keep your lower legs moving/feet pumping up and down while you're sitting there to help keep the muscle pump working. Start slowly and add short bits of time each time you sit up. Doing it for brief periods (seconds, building up to minutes) frequently during the day (like every hour) is usually most helpful. Don't try standing until you can safely sit for a reasonable amount of time, maintaining balance and not passing out. Don't try standing without 1-2 people there to help you, preferably people who know how to guard someone and assist them safely in this situation.

It may be that originally, you may not even get your feet all the way off the bed or come all the way up to a sitting position. But, any movement toward getting upright will help the body start readjusting over time.This is where you would be better off having a professional work with you so they can see how you're doing and give advice based on what's going on rather than just a general theory like the above info.

It's really tough but if you make a concerted effort and are really diligent about it, hopefully it will pay off in the long run. Good luck!!

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When I have been down for a while, I started with tiny steps and reminded myself to be patient. I sat fully upright in a chair or sofa for hours at a time to start to adjust my body to being upright. Then, I worked on just doing more around the house. Then, I moved to wlaking the dog for only 2-3 minutes in front of my house. Then, we moved on to 5 minutes, ect., ect., ect.

But, I do agree with Chaos...since you have some additional considerations besides just POTS deconditioning, it would be much safer for you to work with a physical therapist that can help guide you into doing this safely.

I wish you good luck and many steps to come.

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Thankyou for replying. I am working with a physio but i'm being expected to walk again, when my body hasn't adjusted to standing up yet. I have been told i probably won't walk again and my best hope is standing to transfer. It's because my knees aren't stable enough to hold me up. I'm not giving up though. Maybe if i keep trying to stand for a few seconds several times a day, then my body may adjust.

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Is the issue that you can't stand because your body hasn't adjusted to your orthostatic issues or because your joints are too unstable? It took me a while to come back from being bed ridden last summer/fall but I got there eventually. I had to build up my tolerance to being both seated and standing. There are still days when standing for more than a few minutes (the time it takes to make tea or a sandwich) is a struggle but most days I can get 2-3 hours of upright activity. It really did take me months of just trying to stay up a few seconds or minutes longer than was comfortable, but, I'm someone who doesn't pass all the way out very often, so it is just disorienting but not dangerous to push myself.

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