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Can You Put Yourself In More Than One Category For Pots


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Just following on from another post i have just written, i am interested if any Dr's have officially Dx any of you with POTs that they will clinically say come under more than one category. For instance with me i have hyper POTs, I have type 1 Diabetes and suffered from Psoriasis, both kicked in at puberty, i also have EDS, could i be someone one who has PD/HYPER and autoimmune POTs?

Just curious to hear from others..........

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I've been told by my POTS neuro that he believes i have a PD pattern of POTS with a "hyper"component. He also says it has "the flavor of an autoimmune" POTS although he hasn't been able to find any actual of the autoimmune markers that they have identified so far for POTS. So it seems that you can have more than one variety. I also have EDS. We definitely hit the jack pot with all these labels, heh? :)

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My POTS doc said I have pooling but seem to also be hyperPOTS (though she hadn't done the blood draws to confirm the hyperPOTS, not sure why) - she says I have some neuropathy and there may also be a connection to the joint hypermobility syndrome. So - yes - it's certainly possible. (my personal bet is that I have been pooling for a while, but the addition of a medication that triggered sympathetic overactivity seems to have broken the camel's back, so to speak)

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