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Overcoming Bp Spikes


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Same as NMPotsie - extra propranolol and if it's really bad klonopin. Most times I just try to relax, breathe deeply and wait it out. No dr was able to suggest anything else.

Also, for me these spikes are short lived - in a matter of minutes my bp goes down to "normal" it's the aftermath that's really hard to handle - weakness, drowsiness, sore muscles, head pressure, all that "good" stuff.

Sorry you guys have to deal with this too.


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Another "funny" thing - my bp spikes only started after being diagnosed with POTS and after starting taking a bunch of meds on a daily basis. I blame the florinef I'm taking for them, but my dr tried reassuring me that it can't be - he wasn't very convincing though :-(

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I forgot to mention in my previous post...

A neuro dr I've seen several times suggested clonidine, but my POTS dr is reluctant to try me on it as my spikes are short lived and my bp is usually on the low side.

You can ask your dr about it and see where you go from there.

Good luck.


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Alex when I have gone to the ER for spikes and they have given me clonidine I have had issues afterward. Typically my spikes last 2-4 hours and then I'm just out afterward for days. When I was given clonidine, though, I had multiple spikes afterward, which my doctor attributed to hypotension from the clonidine and rebound hypertension as a reaction to the hypotension (wow, that's a mouthful). Anyway, he has cautioned against clonidine and leans toward valium or xanax for quick relief. I'm not saying it's the same for everyone (I know Clonidine works for some) I just wanted to offer that to you since your bp is usually low and it sounds like you might have potential for the same issue. :)

That being said, I have limited success with the xanax as well. I just have to keep telling myself I'm not going to die, even though it feels like I am, and that it will stop eventually.

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thanks for the heads up.

I know I'm hypotensive most of the time, so I don't think I'll ever try clonidine. I read a bit about it and it doesn't sound like something I might benefit from. Plus, my bp spikes don't really last too long.

Like I said before, what bothers me more is the awful way I feel after the spike is over.

Interesting to know about rebound hypertension as a reaction to being hypotensive - if I look back I might see some relationship between my highs and lows. I'll definitely mention this to my dr.

Again, thank you for sharing your experience.



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I'm new here & just started a thread about Orthostatic hypertension. First off I am male & have had symptoms since 17 (now 27) & was diagnosed with dysautonima a remarkable TWO weeks ago. Anyway I believe I am unique in that I am pretty sure I exclusively experience drastic spikes in BP instead of drops. Have the majority of additional symptoms associated w/autonomic dysfunction however. Anyway excited to be on this forum where I can hopefully learn to cope w/the intracies of this disorder.

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Welcome to dinet.

I'm having the same problem - my BP is usually low (high 90's mid 100's), but every now and then it goes up for no apparent reason - sometimes an increase to 127/90 makes me extremely symptomatic, but I've had readings as high as 160/100. My HR doesn't always increase during these episodes, so it's random. From what I've been reading on the forum, there are many others with similar issues, so you are not alone in this - if it''s of any consolation :(

Just a thought - have you been tested for a pheochromocytoma? It might be worth looking into.


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Deep breathing is proven to help and in my experience it does, my neuro gave me a cd called Coherence you can google it too but I find it only helps when I am doing it and it is impossible to do all day long! Also, mayo clinic said a drink or two will lower bp, I find that it does mine. But I am not on a bunch of drugs so I guess that option depends on what other drugs you are taking.

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A couple of drinks of what???? The spikes are getting higher for me and like some of you mentioned , they make me feel like this is the end. I usually slow deep breathe...try to wait it all out....wish I knew what was making it worse. I am also having more breathing and digestion problems. I seem ultra sensitive...and mild activity sets it off and I have more of that constant nervous feel. Used to take tiny amounts of ativan but have tried to stop...maybe I should go back to it or try zanax. Good luck to all.


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Vodka and gatorade....with sliced cucumbers. It's yummy, has a calming effect and my bp always goes down, enough for me to feel good enough to do a couple laps in the pool and make dinner before I have to sit back down and just chill. But I hear too many drinks can cause higher bp the next day....dunno, moderate drinking works for me maybe not others. I read on Dinet in another post that several hyperpots moderately drink with the same benefits but not sure about the other pots with the hypotension. I refuse to get on a bb or chlonodine because my bp is low normal certain points of the day and I know once chlonodine wears off your bp skyrockets so it sounds like I'd be chasing my own tail. Proponolol (sp?) made me sick so I quit taking a very tiny dose after 3 days and it took an entire week for the negative effects to wear off. Usually my spikes occur first 30 minutes of getting out of bed and then return if I am stressed at work, driving, and then later in the afternoon my bp usually goes up but from what I understand the human timeclock your bp is usually at it's highest around 3 or 4 p.m. I also heard medical marijuana could help (not remembering where I read that) but no way I want to try that, probably have a panick attack:)

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