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Blood-Deprived Brains - What Does This Do To Your Health?

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When up at Cleveland Clinic in Feb Dr. Jaeger, head of the syncope and autonomic department told me about research they were doing using the MRI to look at cerebral hypo perfusion in POTS. He listed all the different theories as to what causes POTS symptoms and this is the area where they hope to learn more. I've haven't seen any results of their work but look forward to hearing more.

Meanwhile, while visiting Dr. Thompson,in Pensacola FL, he explained to me exactly what E explained above. He said it is not that the brain is not getting the blood it needs, it is that the brain is not getting the amount of blood it wants. According to him it is not life threatening decrease but can lead to many problematic symptoms.

Jangle you mentioned research involving long term review of POTS pts. Where could I find this? Or did I misunderstand?

E, like Issie, you go girl! I'm behind you!

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When up at Cleveland Clinic in Feb Dr. Jaeger, head of the syncope and autonomic department told me about research they were doing using the MRI to look at cerebral hypo perfusion in POTS. He listed all the different theories as to what causes POTS symptoms and this is the area where they hope to learn more. I've haven't seen any results of their work but look forward to hearing more.

Meanwhile, while visiting Dr. Thompson,in Pensacola FL, he explained to me exactly what E explained above. He said it is not that the brain is not getting the blood it needs, it is that the brain is not getting the amount of blood it wants. According to him it is not life threatening decrease but can lead to many problematic symptoms.

Jangle you mentioned research involving long term review of POTS pts. Where could I find this? Or did I misunderstand?

E, like Issie, you go girl! I'm behind you!


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Hmmm, not getting the whole part of the second article you posted Jangle. It's only giving one page - is there more?

Have to believe that NE plays a big part with us with high bp's. I don't faint either - but, feel like I will and do have the high bp's with standing and then with the drops of my bp - comes extreme tachy. I do know that there seem to be brain issues with this problem and I found that increasing O2 - even though my levels appeared to be okay (except for when I sleep) - seemed to help. I think the cerebral auto regulation issues - play a part in this - even with us with high NE levels. I think there are definitely vascular issues (with me partially because of EDS veins) increasing resistance on my veins from the outside - not by vasoconstriction on the inside - seems to be of more help. I have also found that an abdominal binder helps with dizziness, ability to stay upright and it actually helps me to hold onto fluids better (and not run to pee every 15 minutes). So, there must be something to do with vascular and fluid balance in the abdominal area. Whether the extra support - helps due to laxity of internal vascular integrity or what . . .I'm not sure.

One thing that I've found that helps me with my bp and tachy is motherwort. I have been using it for a few weeks - 2 times a day. I've been out of it for a few days and I can sure tell a difference. This can help with the sympathetic system and helps the tone of the vascular system. It really helps the tachy issues. I also have found that organic black strap molasses is helpful - it is high in potassium.


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I just read some about motherwort, think I will give it a shot. From what I read, there is no better herb for "strengthening and gladdening the heart." It also helps with pms, anxiety, and like Issie said, high blood pressure. Thanks for the idea Issie! Can you tell me what brand you use and can you get it at Walgreens/CVS or do you have to go to a vitamin store.

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