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Another Exercise Question

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My doctor and everybody I ask about this, tell me when you get really nauseous and dizzy while exercising stop or slow down. The problem is I feel super sick at the slighest bit of exercise, even when I do slow down. So... What do I do? I never actually faint, so is it ok just to push through and keep going if I can? My heart rate is usually in the 140s.

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I feel like if you can tolerate the exercise (even with dizziness and nausea) and know that you're personally not going to overdo it or make things worse, then you should keep going. I do Firm DVDs that mix cardio with weights segments. When I get dizzy while exercising, I can't tolerate the cardio sections, so I'll just march during those, or fast forward them. But I can usually make it through the weights parts OK.

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I have basically the same issue. When I first started exercising I would take a nausea pill before hand. I decided it was better to take the pill and be able to get up then be stuck in bed all the time. If you can get a prescription from your dr I would recommend it. I took Zofran and it had basically no side effects and worked well for me.

Now I can exercise without the medication. But I almost always feel nauseated at some point. I usually stop and rest until it goes away then start again. My issue is I could definitely push myself harder if I didn't get nauseated. So I haven't quite figured that part out yet.

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What kind of exercise are you doing?

I'm very sensitive to exercise too and had to start out super small, kicking my legs in the bathtub while monitoring my HR.

There's lost of ways to exercise. Can you do leg lifts laying down? Things like that.

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I do the recumbent bike and sitting down weight machines. I have tried taking phenergan or zofran before hand but I didn't notice a difference.

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Maybe the weights are too much, right one?

My exercise physio has me doing the recumbent bike too but not having me add any resistance until I can do it consistently for 20 mins. I've just gotten to 12 mins.

Maybe you need to take a few mins break in between do intervals. He has me doing 6 mins, rest 1-3 (depending on how I feel) and then 6 more gradually adding up

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I have this too! Even bringing laundry up or down the stairs does it for me. I'm getting married in Sept so I want to tone up. We have the total gym which uses your body weight instead of other weights. I can't do anything cardio or I get really bad. I've been doing the gym for 2 days despite my nausea, which does get worse with exercise, but I've found that I have to do it before I eat anything at all and it's not as bad.

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