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I Had Become Extremely Ill After....

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1) A Flu shot, 7 years a go.

2) A Cortisone shot, few days a go.

In both cases, I suffered from blurry vision, high fever (105), sleeping for more than 11 hours, loss of appetite, vomitting and other symptoms.

I really don't know if those were reactions to the shots or simply the shots weakend my immune system.

Anybody else? and I just wonder if it has to do with POTS.

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I think it is because we are just hypersensitive to everything, and you are right, cortisone can lower or weaken your immune response. I will never take a flu shot again...too many stories of bad reactions...

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.......surgery in 2000. Though I had symptoms all my life I never knew what was going on until I got diagnosed in 2002. I got gradually worse over the years, tried lots of meds but improved when I started octreotide. I always get the flu shot, it doesn't make me sick at all but I get really sick when having the flu. We are all so different aren't we?! Wishing you all well!

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I get the blurry /fuzzy vision as a part of my symptoms and a low fever sometimes. (99.5). But those symptoms are nothing compared to the faintness, fatigue, hypersensitivity, parasthesia and neuro deficits when I'm have a bad POTS spell.

I have had two really bad flares:

1- following a root canal

2- following getting a filling done.

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i have always wondered what caused my POTS too. was is from abruptly stopping an ssri l i had taken several years ago, the hepatitis b vaccine i received while working in health care, i was abused my an ex boyfriend, i hit a car head on and hit my head (have several lesions in my head, not sure from what), once i sprayed mosquito spray on me that was not meant to be put on your body, not on your body, i had a bacterial blood infection and was hospitalized for 7 days, i lived in a woods (did i get lyme), did i pick something up when traveling out of the country, i often wonder if there is a disease process going on dr.'s just havent picked up on yet. i know all these things r probably silly to think, but i wonder what caused me to become sick. also, my daughter had brought home mercury thermometers from school that i accidentally broke.

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