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Numbness, Hair Loss Part Of All This?


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Hey there. I am still somewhat new to this and wondered if anyone else have the above symptoms too? I have been diagnosed with not specifically pots just dysautonomia and saw a neurologist last week. He said my numbness (arms, legs, hands, feet, chin, sometimes lips and tongue - all coming and going) is probably due to migraines. I have headaches often but rarely bad. I also have noticed my hair in the front getting thinner, and don't know if that could be part of all this too. Any input would be appreciated.

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All that numbness due to headaches? I would maybe look into getting a different opinion on that matter. I may not have doctors who are fully aware of my condition, but my neurologists has ran all types of tests on me due to my numbness to rule anything and everything out. I have chronic headaches and migraines and my neuro not once thought it caused any of my tremors, numbness, or tingling. As far as hair thinning or falling out, I have always had A LOT of hair and although I see no visible thinning, I have noticed for quite some time that A lot more of it falls out during and after a shower. As far as a specific area, no I have not seen any of that. I have heard of some other Pots patients saying their hair falls out more but I have not came across any extended studies on this particular matter (of course not, because there's little studies done for Pots). So this is just my input and experience with this matter, I hope you find some more answers! =)

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Hormones can play a role in this, poor circulation (with us, since we are hypovolemic, according to my doctor) , and poor nutrition can also be a factor. It could also be a side effect of a medication, too.

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Thanks for all your replys. I googled numbness and migraines and came up with a lot, although I am not for sure that it is the cause. I have had my hormones checked and everything looks good (except my metanephrines that were really low - which the neuro said goes along with autonomic dysfunction) and no auto-immune diseases at all. I was taking a multivitamin up until yesterday when I switched to a b complex vitiman instead. I know I wasn't low on B vitamins, but people keep telling me to get more, so I upped it. Thanks for all your help!

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I have all of the above as well. I have neuropathy hands/ feet/ arms/ legs, sometimes my tongue and taste buds tingle and burn also Be careful when your feet tingle, as I have broken my foot and sprained my ankles too many times to count over the years. I'm tingling as I type. I get migraines, variants of migraines, and tremors that someone who doesn't know me like an er doc will assume I having an anxiety attack. I also get stroke like events on the left side of my face that they think are a migraine. I would swear I was having a stroke that have now progressed to having a fine tremor run down my face when they come on. I have low thyroid that will make your hair fall out along with stress. Try to shorten your hair my rhummy suggested. I had really long hair, use shampoos without the strong chemicals that are bad for you. Look them up online, if your head itches after you shampoo you are most likely allergic like myself. they are not good for you anyway. I was told to wash my hair once a week and not to brush it hard. It got better, but when I don't take my thyroid pill correctly due to I can't wait as I need food in my tummy I notice I'm losing more hair when I brush. Luckily I have thick hair. I also have terrible bone pain in my legs that is worse at night. My sleep doc asked me about this and told me it could be from my low iron.

BellaMia ~

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