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I Pushed Myself


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I decided I wanted to push myself more so tonight I went to volunteer at a doggy adoption event even though I wasn't feeling well. It didn't go well. I just felt so bad I could have lied down on the side walk. It wasn't enjoyable and it used to be one of favorite things to do. But I did it. I just don't know what to do because I don't want to let POTS run my life, but I don't want to make myself miserable all the time. What do you guys do?

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Hey. Sorry to hear that. I personally want to tell you amazing job for trying. I too can understand being a teenager with pots and trying to do things everyone else is doing but having to deal with pots. I can see how frustrating it can be. For me one of my fav things to do is babysit. I love kids! But despite my pots I still push myself to do things that don't put me or someone else in danger. Like I decided to volunteer at my moms friends organization. I just sit on the floor and fold clothes, or sit and work the cash register. So with the doggie adoption thing try to think of ways you could still volunteer but ways that could best accomadate your symptoms. Like maybe there is something you can do that involves more of sitting. Don't give up on something you love! If you love it, keep at it! Just find ways to do it that will accomadate you as well :)

HUgs :wub:

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 I hear ya, balance is one of the hardest things to find and can be a vicious push/crash cycle both physically and emotionally.

I think everyone gave you good advice. Like Rama said it's important to build up smaller things first. When we all of sudden force ourselves to do something big we inevitably crash because it's like huge exercise and a major stresser. 

At the same time it's such a bummer to not be able to do anything we want to do. I really struggle with that. 

Something I've found helpful is to make lists of things I want to do and set goals. Then look at them, see how try challenge and tax my body, and then brainstorm ways I could make it easier and what accommodations are needed. 

And understand that at time you push further you'll most likely feel worse for a few days and it's ok to take time to recover.  

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Thanks everyone! Today has been rough, I guess I really over did it. I guess I just need to build up to things like that.

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