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Menstrual Cycle. Elevated Blood Pressure


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I currently take 25 mg metoprolol at bedtime , .5 mg klonopin bedtime and 1/4 zoloft in the am (just startrted this).

I am on day 3 of my period and my bp is high. 138/89 hr 80 lying down right now. Upon waking up this am it was 114/70 hr 69 lying. Then 125/82 hr 80 standing 7 min later. Should i be concerned or is this normal?

I was diagnosed with POTS MVPD and Dysautonomia 1 month ago but bave been on the beta blocker for almost 2 months.



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My bp is also normal to low sitting and lying and sometimes elevates on standing. (Other times it goes down on standing.) And sometimes I can have high bp sitting. I know it is very confusing and frustrating. I also take a beta blocker at times. My symptoms also get worse right before and during my period. I also think at the end of my period my symptoms are more pronounced b/c I have lost fluid. This seems to bring my bp and hr up. Increasing fluids tends to normalize my bp--either direction. Have you tried this?

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I am really trying to increase my fluid intake....it's hard but I know that I have to do it. Had no idea the Zoloft could mess up the BP readings. I will try not to stress......sorry but glad to say that I feel comfort in knowing I am not alone. I pray everyday for everyone that is suffering from this to find a cure or at least relief!

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My BP was always all over the map. If it was really low, (top number under 90) I would feel horrible but sometimes I felt fine with low BP and bad with high BP. Then my BP cuff broke and I never replaced it because I found I had gotten obsessive over the numbers and let them scare me. When it broke, it was like going through withdrawal, and then it was a relief.

I sometimes think it is the dramatic change in numbers that gives me symptoms, and not the actual numbers themselves.

I agree with the above advice, try not to to let it stress you, even healthy people can have readings that change a lot in a day.

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Jan, You are 100% correct!! My husband and mom tell me the same thing and have threatened to take it away from me along with my internet access!!!

I just freak over BP issues for 2 reasons.....several years ago I was on Prozac, BP meds and taking Imitrex and had a bad reaction where my BP dropped to 57/37.....thought I was dying!! Then last year had some episodes where my BP was 170/111 so it's kinda hard not to stress sometimes...but I am trying!

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