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Renin-Aldosterone Paradox Explained


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I just went to my GP for problems relating to a fungus-y toenail which has become infected. Lamisil


You can soak your toes in clorox water and also apply tea tree oil. It cured my issues with this. Also, taking a really good probiotic and olive leaf and possibly aloe vera juice - may take care of it systemically.

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BUT...I had POTS as a child


I've also had it as a child. Not sure what my bp was back then - they never checked children's bps. I was however checked for hypoglycemia and had it severely. So, they attributed allot of my issues to that. But, I also have EDS and wasn't diagnoised until my 40's - so I know that was part of the issue. Looking back - you do wonder what all the autonomic issues have caused us as adults. I know my bp swings all over the place - but is mostly staying high now. And when I get the drops - it's horrible.

Doctors ask me when I think I got POTS and I think it was connected to an unexplained illness when I was about 8 years old. It also could have been connected to a polio vaccine that me and my sis and friend got - we all got sick then and we all have autonomic isssues - from then on.


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Thanks for the tips, Issie. I've tried the tea tree oil w/out success but haven't tried clorox. Will give it a go.

I'll be watching this discussion with interest - am curious as to whether systemic fungal problems can cause/add to our problems.

Make sure you dilute the clorox or it will burn you and your nails.

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  • 3 months later...

Goodness this is very interesting but i find it hard to keep up. It takes a while to absorb all the details as i was only diagnosed last year.

I have been so ill recently am desperate for some answers.

I have been diagnosed for a few years with high creatine levels. Have just started fludrocortone and this has really helped- the first thing that has. As i have hyper pots i assumed this medication would not work as it would increase my bp too much but this has not happened.

Also i find my chest pain always feels better after a glass of red wine. It does not make my symptoms worse but will increase my hr if i try and do to much. But it relaxes me. It has sulphides in it - is this related?

I am a bit muddled can anyone help? Should i be pursuing the issue of raised creatine?


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Emma, is there any dysfunction with your liver? Reason I ask there is a problem with the kidneys that can be connected with liver dysfunction. If it's really high though - I'd question it no matter what. I feel that POTS has some connection with kidney dysfunction - but so far, can't get a doc to pursue this with me.


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Yes, but there are opposing studies. There are some that say it is helpful because it keeps NSADS from damaging stomach, etc. and it helps with resperation. Then there are the opposite studies showing that it has damaging effects connected with glutathione production - which has to do with the gut ecology and function. So, who do you believe? Supposedly, it HELPS in hopoxia situations. I don't know . . . .think there needs to be more research.

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"Should I be pursuing the elevated Creatinine?"


Most definitely! I have stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease based on a high SCr and other kidney function tests. My nephrologist thinks that the changing blood pressure has caused damage to my kidneys. There are also kidney issues that are treatable that can cause blood pressure issues! PM me with any questions.

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