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Medication On An As Needed Basis


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Just went to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription for midodrine. The pharmacist had never heard of it and had no idea what to tell me. I want to know (and sorry because I think someone asked this recently but I couldn't find it), can midodrine be taken on an as needed basis? Can you still take it and sit a lot? What else should I know?

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You should take it as prescribed. My son takes 4 or 5 doses (the 5th dose IS on an as needed basis and he rarely takes it). Sometimes he only takes 3 doses because he forgets and that is not good. One day or so is ok but he forgets because the medicine is making him feel better, but really, I believe he does better long term when he gets the 4 doses day in day after day. If only 3 doses he starts to get more symptoms. It is something you have to figure out. There is no harm in not taking a dose other than I do think you might compromise the over-all benefits to you.

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I take Midodrine 7.5mg 3 times a day (7am-12pm-5pm) as ordered by my neurologist at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. I adjust the times based upon the activities I do which includes a lot of sitting especially during the day. I have a desk job so I sit about 6-7 hours a day. I also sit and lay down on the couch in the evenings. I have taken extra doses as needed especially in the evening if I am going to be up and out late. My neurologist said it was ok to take the extra doses if needed. I experience side effects that my neurologist said to expect and are normal: itchy head, goose bumps, skin crawling, feeling cold, parathesia and urinary frequency/urgency. The benefits of being able to walk and do little daily activities out way the side effects. You will find on this forum that every one takes it differently. You may need to take it how ever it meets your needs. Hope this helps.


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My cardiologist has me take midodrine on an as-needed basis. Sometimes my BP is high and sometimes it's low. When it's low, you all know what that feels like, and I take a dose at that time (after checking my BP). If my systolic BP is over 120, then I don't take midodrine. I sit most of the day while on midodrine with no problems. Sometimes I even lie down to rest, but I try not to fall asleep. I take my BP after lying down for a minute, just to make sure it's not high. However, my BP is never high when lying down while on midodrine.

This is just my experience. My doctor and I have had lengthy conversations about titrating medication based on my symptoms. I have a BP monitor at home and check it regularly when taking any medication that affects my BP.

You should follow the advice of your doctor and take it as prescribed, but still should monitor your BP and symptoms. Let your doc know of any problems right away.

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I was religious at 5x a day on the midodrine no matter what at the request of my doctor. We had lengthy conversations to use my best judgement on deciding if I need more as only I can tell if I am feeling symptomatic or not. During my last period (and most recent appointment), my bp skyrocketed and has not come back down. Since then, it has been running on the very high end of normal and I have used my discretion to not take my midodrine. I would rather not take it than take it and run high.

when I was solely on midodrine, my body tended to become exhausted more often if I did not take it. I wasn't able to get out of the fatigued mode if I forgot to take it on schedule. Now, I take both florinef and midodrine. Not taking the midodrine now, I am still able to recoup if I don't take it. I do not end up passed out for a week unable to move from exhaustion. I actually seem to have more energy! This was all a learning process though and I am getting better at managing the meds and so will you!

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Thanks lizababy. I still haven't even tried to take it. I'm a scaredy cat. I'm scared of getting too high of a BP and or just not feeling better altogether.

So, when you stopped your midodrine becuase your BP went high, did you feel ok because it was high at that point or were you still symptomatic?!

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