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Two New Studies

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So while ascorbate was found to improve the circulatory abnormalities in low flow POTS (mediated by decreased nNOS activity):


In another major subset of POTS - Normal Flow POTS - with splanchnic pooling and periperhal vasoconstriction on standing it seems its elevated:


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This makes sense. The one about Vitamin C - I've had a theory that one of the reasons for mast cell issues is low Vitamin C. There is a study that show that low Nitric Oxide is a mediator in Mast Cell (My link) Histamines can lower NO levels and if Vitamin C increases NO - than my theory about Vitamin C helping Mast Cell issues would be correct. If you think about the skin issues involved in mast cell issues - some of it appears to be a real good case of scurvy - therefore, possibly Vitamin C would help these issues.

The point of this article was that it helps with vasoconstriction and blood flow - which is a real issue with those of us that pool and our blood doesn't flow properly. I'm to under go a test next week to measure my blood flow in my legs. The guess of the doctors is there is venous insufficiency. Where's my Emergen C? Got to go get some more. It does help my feelings all the way around. I seem to feel more hydrated when I drink these Vitamin C powders.

Sorry, but can't get my brain around the other study. Maybe my brain will work later in the day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been diagnosed with hyperadrenergic POTS. Does that mean I have low flow POTS? I feel like I have sphlanchic pooling and peripheral vasoconstriction. I find these different ways of categorizing patients to be confusing.

The midodrine will cause vasoconstriction too. I'm offically diagnosised via Mayo with HyperPOTS - although I already knew that by my symptoms - but now science has confirmed it. I too seem to have periperial vasoconstriction and it seems to increase my blood pressure. They are trying me on clonidine which will vasodilate - similiar to what nitroglycerin would do or nitric oxide. The studies are showing that in those with low flow or hyperPots that NO is low. That explains why when I had my emergency room visit the nitroglycerin helped. Also, found out that there IS possible mast cell activation disorder and nitroglycerin helps that too. It works to block histamines. This is one piece of the puzzle that has come together for me recently. Always suspected - but now official. My norinephrine levels were high upon standing which is one thing they use to put the hyper label on you. It's a higher than normal adrenal response that releases this. They also use the higher blood pressures as an indication. They told me that we still have orthostatic issues too. It's just our drops are from a higher level blood pressure. The effects are still the same as those that have mostly low blood pressures - but we have the high blood pressures that are harder to treat. The doctor DOES NOT want me to salt load. In fact, had several doctors to advise me to cut salt out. My renin and aldesterone levels were almost non-existant. But my potassium levels were normal. So I don't fit in the catagory of hyporeninism/hypoaldesteronism because of the normal potassium. No one seems to be interested in delving into the reasons for this reading. Salt can lower these readings though and increases blood pressures. My cardio doctor doesn't want me to wear high compression hose either. In fact, he really didn't like that I wanted thigh high ones. But, the knee high ones hurt behind my knees. But, I have alot of fluid build up in my legs and compression makes them feel some better.

Just for those that want to know. I've given alot of info to the neurologist and allergist that deals with mast cell at Mayo in AZ. They are looking at it and are discussing it with their colleagues. The allergist even called MN Mayo to discuss it with doctors up there. So, hopefully, they will help us figure some of this out. Some of the doctors I talked to looked at me like I was talking Greek and one said "you have stumped the doctor - I just don't know". So, maybe they will look into things more. I'll keep you posted on new developments.

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