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Bad Allergic Reaction Last Night


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I felt brave last night and decided to just eat until I experienced a reaction.

I had a cream soda I had not tried.

I was so careful and tried a drop at a time and felt nothing.

Usually I get a bam type response and feel like someone has their hands around my throat or that my throat is tightening.

So I had some banana ( safe ) boiled broccoli ( suspect ) boiled carrots ( not sure ) my organic wheat yeast free bread ( have been eating without a problem ) but I put just a tiny bit of butter on it, and my Jones cane sugar soda .

Well I experienced a delayed reaction.

So whatever it was I had a small quantity in my stomach already and I had to just ride it out.

The first feeling was swelling numbs itchy of the face, I kept checking my face and it appeared normal no swelling.

Indigestion right over the heart that made it feel like chest pain-I had to keep telling myself this is indigestion, elevated bp, dizziness, lightheaded, lump in throat, could breathe okay, the feeling did not include my lungs it was only a feeling of a lump in the throat.

I took a spot of benadryl which could have contributed to the dizzy out of it feeling.

I was alone and almost drove down the street to our fire dept just so I wouldn't be alone and then my husband pulled up with the kids.

I felt sick and went to the bathroom bm and felt like I was going to get the runs but I didn't.

I know I'm not alone in this.

How do we keep eating when it feels like we're putting ourselves at risk?

I guess I need to go back through my foods trying just a tiny bit of things I am unsure of so hopefully if I do react it will be very minor.

I had purchased a sulfite test kit and tested my drink and got a "o" on the sulfite content but it could have contained corn in some form.

I also reacted to a just plain apple juice that was imported that was supposed to be organic.

I had tested it and got a "0" but I reached to it.

I just happened to stumble upon a low sulfite list on the Internet as my reaction was starting and carrots were on the list of approved vegetables but broccoli was not.

I should tell you I had a reaction when eating rice broccoli and carrots the one night that I thought may have been chemical from a lotion but maybe it was the broccoli that night too?

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I can't think of many foods I eat that don't cause some kind of negative reaction. If I haven't eaten the food before I eat only 1 bite the first day. Gradually increase amount by 1 spoonful a day if no life threatening reaction. I went so long without eating a proper diet I was malnourished & fainting everytime I stood up. I was afraid that every bite of food I ate would surely cause my death. I finally realized if I didn't eat I was going to die, so I eat what causes me the least reaction. I definitely stay away from foods with additives & eat only whole foods.

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I live with a fear of causing a reaction from something I eat too. So many things bother me. I also have the lump in my throat feeling a LOT. It will sometimes feel swollen and sometimes it feels very full and almost aches. I use a steroid inhaler daily and thought maybe it was thrush. They did a swab test to check for thrush once, though, and it came back negative.

I can't use shampoo anymore. I have horrible reactions to it (bp up, tachy, feel faint), so I wash my hair with a bar of Dove sensitive skin soap. I can't color my hair anymore either due to bad reactions so I'm going gray. <_<

I don't have any advice, lieze, but I've been reading your posts on here for quite a while and I just want you to know you're not alone.

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(((jenwic))) I'm afraid to try my hair color also.

I have also backed off of soaps.

I have to take baths and if I used soap I ended up with horrible abdominal pain.

Extreme ache and what felt like I was just inflamed swollen.

So I have hygiene issues : ).

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I am blessed ladies to be able to still have my hair dyed with a good beautician who uses a lot of natural products. I also order from the pharmacy such as CVS a special bar of soap for my skin called ZNP. I use Infusion23 shampoo & conditioner for my hair which seems to be ok. Like many of you, I am on a special diet: low fat & fiber diet and get creative with my meals. I was headed for a peg tube, but with the help of a dietician, Domperidone & Mestinon, I avoided the need for it. I try little bits of things to see if I can tolerate them-small meals are the only thing I can tolerate. If I take in too many gram of fat-ouch. My husband and his family help me with cooking organic and creative meals with the limited types of food that I can eat.

Lieze-my heart goes out to you with the weight. I am 5'6 and weigh 134 lbs. I go up & down a pound or 2 with eating, but I am maintaining and holding my same weight. I am with others, continue with small bites and food elimination and possibly seeing some one who deals in holistic medicine. They may be able to identify foods that you may not be allergic too. I too am surprised you are able to drink as much milk-I am assuming whole milk which I can't because of the fat content. I would suggest you get creative with your milk and make fruit smoothies/milkshakes to give you some additional calories. If you can tolerate foods high in fat content, that will help you with calories.

We are all here for you and feel your pain. A great big Hug to you.:)

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Hello Lieze,

Have you ever looked into Glycogen storage disorders?!! This is something we are looking into as my 3 children can not tolerate milk in any form and have not been able to since birth, this is a link to some info:-www.merckmanuals.com/home/sec23/ch282/ch282b.html I do not think my children have a sever form but I do question whether they might have some form of GALT! My children vomit and produce vile green stuff from the other end!! But they also do not tolerate many of the foods that should be avoided or eaten in small amounts in GALT.


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Thank you, Thank you!!!! I can't wait to try it. :) I don't mind so much about washing my hair with a bar of soap except that it gets so tangled I can hardly get a comb through it. I think I'll try this tomorrow!

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