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Saline Iv And Leaky Blood Vessels?


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Hey POTSY friends,

I'm just curious about something. I've read on here in the past that some of us lose fluid from our blood vessels thus making it harder to hold onto blood volume. I have low blood volume to begin with (17% deviation from norm) with Hyperadrenergic POTS of no known cause. I just had minor surgery yesterday with fasting from midnight the night before. Because of my autonomic issues, low BP & low blood volume the anesthesiologist gave me a saline IV before the surgery (for which I was very thankful!). Anyway, the interesting thing was that as soon ad I woke up in recovery I had to pee *really* badly. Of course they wouldn't let me up for quite a while since I was so unsteady. But here's what I'd like to know... How long would a "normal" person hold onto that fluid? Clearly I was dehydrated by that time as I hadnt had anything to eat or drink in over 12 hours - which makes me think all of that having to go to the bathroom must have been from the IV. Should I have lost the liquid from my blood stream that quickly? Obviously I'm out of my depth here, but if I'm right then it would be an interesting clue for me as to how my body functions (or doesn't).



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I really don't know - but as a rule if a person needed hydration in a hospital or clinic setting it would be either Normal Saline or Ringer's Lactate - to afford the body at least a chance of holding on to some of it - where if it had dextrose in it - you would definitely lose it and other fluids to boot much more quickly if that's possible. Really dehydrated people in my experience would eventually have to urinate - but not right away - sometimes not till 2 or 3 liters - kinda scary - it's like you are praying for them to pee LOL... You don't want any other issues on board to worsen things... I would love to plug myself into a saline IV every morning and take a liter that way - drinking fluids except coffee in the morning can cause me nausea pretty easily - an exception would be if I did get really dehydrated and am out of the house - I'll sit at a restaurant and drink a whole pitcher of water and then some - but that's really rare and I have to really dry to ever get thirsty. I don't think I have leaky vessels - well no one's said that and I don't get edema in any of my extremities very often - but I do have varicosities in my leg veins.

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Nowwhat, I have the same problem with drinking and nausea. If I try to drink large amounts of anything except G2 I get nauseous so easily. But I am so sick of G2 and don't normally consume artificial sweeteners. Don't know what to do. Do you know if nausea with drinking is common, or is a POTS thing?

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