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Medical Marijuana


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OK--now along with everything else, I was told by a neurosurgeon last Monday that I'm not a candidate for spinal surgery due to my long term use of steroids (thanks Mom for passing on Rheumatoid Arthritis), and chronic pain syndrome ie-fibromyalgia. I have severe cervical stenosis on multiple levels, severe facet disease/DDD/and severe spondylosis of the thoracic spine. I guess he doesn't want his statistics skued if I find I have more pain post surgery. I weaned myself off opioids two years ago. Now my pain is so severe Neurontin isn't touching it. He also told me I'd be in pain for the rest of my life--so get used to it. I don't want to begin the narcotics again. No doctor around here will touch a patient on narcotics. I've been seeing ads, and I saw on the Dr. Oz show the other night info on medical marijuana. It's legal here in WA state. I know I couldn't smoke the stuff (lord--who wants lung cancer on top of everything else?) I've never smoked ANYTHING in my life LOL!)--but I heard there are drops you place on your tongue that work well. Has anyone tried this therapy route? Any comments? I'm getting a bit desperate and willing to try anything!

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Not sure if this will be of any help but my cardio told me not to smoke marijuana because I would pass out. She said it's a vasodialtor and would lower my BP too much. I never have either but apparently some people have thought maybe that would calm them down when they are in the hyper state like too much adrenaline going through you!


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I remember some posts about it too and the experience wasn't good for them.

I use Tramadol and Bentyl. The Tramadol helps with pain,. and the Bentyl is a muscle relxr. The combination of the two don't mess up my POTS - in fact, I think it helps it. I'm very sensitive to meds and only use these occassionally - not on a regular basis. But,..... my grandmother recently died from pancreatic cancer that spread through her whole body and this is what she used for pain management until she died. They used nothing stronger - so that speaks well for it. It doesn't seem to affect your mental functioning either like regular pain meds. It is considered to be in the opiate family, but not a true opiate. They aren't really sure why it works. It is also recommended in some of the alternative med books as the one to use - if natural things don't work. Less damaging to the body. (Note: I have to take the two together - can't take one by themselves - or it does mess up my POTS. Don't know why the combination works.)

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Hi all (again),

Firewatcher--I did a search on "marijuana" before I posted, and the search returned nothing. I did a search on the topics you suggested and all that came up was your post in 2008 referring to the same 2 topics you had mentioned. Hard to believe it hasn't been talked about in the past several years.

Issie--I was on Ultram (tramodol) years ago (like 16 years ago). Worked pretty well actually. Unfortunately I built a tolerance to it. Funny story--I was taking probably 2 tablets every 8 hours. I was in a rush one day (we were off to pick out a kitten at a breeder's home). I pulled out the container and took my two pills. To my husband's horror, at the breeder's I went into the "nursery", sat on the floor, and stared into space. The breeder evidently thought I was a mental patient and we went home. I later discovered I had taken 2 Ambien... Gee, they REALLY look alike... After that, and currently, I put all my pills into pill holders LOL! BTW--I personally found tramadol as physically addictive as methadone or Oxycontin. I had tried to stop taking it, being told it "wasn't addictive" and found myself in full narcotic withdrawl. Very painful and scary. Hope your doc told you this--don't stop taking it without weaning off!

I'm going to call my PCP's office tomorrow and see if I can go up to the maximum dosage of the Neurontin (gabapentin). I believe 2700mg/day is the highest suggested dose. 300mg every 8 hours works for about 3 hours. I don't want to go back on narcotics! (And to me Ultram IS a narcotic!) After that I'll consider the cannabis... We'll see. It's legal and I have nothing to lose (except money).

Thanks so much for your replies! Susan

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In desperation this is something I have tried, and promptly passed out, was in a zombified, completely stupefied state when I woke up, and even being in a freezing stadium (The Browns season ender, so Cleveland in January!) with thousands of screaming fans and could not stay awake. Not a good experience at all! Have never, and would never, try it again.

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Thanks for the warning - But, I don't take it all the time - just a few times a week, and then it is only one pill. It'd be hard to wean down off of that. At this point, I'm real conscious of the possiblity of addiction and don't want that to happen. Also, don't want it to stop working - so I limit when and what I take. But thanks for the warning.


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Sandy--I would NEVER use the drug anywhere but at home. And in my case sleeping is a welcome state! I did go and get my license for the medical use of marijuana this morning. I met with a nurse practitioner and had to provide her with medical records that verified a legal cause to use the cannabis. I then went to a "dispensary" and met with the staff, who were very knowledgable about what strains of the drug were good for different medical conditions. I ended up choosing a indica strain that was made into a tarry, viscious liquid in the syringe. You place an amount of about a grain of rice on a pill or vitamin tablet and swallow it. No burning, smoking needed. No head high, no increase in pulse or lowing of BP. Just pain relief--and yes--sleep. NEVER purchase marijuana on the street if you have dysautonomia. You don't know what you're getting. Sativa strain would be harmful (IMHO) for us. It's what most people smoke for the "stoned, high" effects. Also some of the hybrid strains would cause problems. I'm a marijuana "virgin". Glad I got over the stigma and decided to try this...

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Well my experience so far is great; Absolutely no side effects, no "high", no worsening of POTS symptoms, no hangover. I took it at about 9pm and it took about an hour to get the pain relief. My head felt a bit heavy with the sleepiness. I got terrific pain relief and a good nights sleep. Dang...why didn't anyone tell me about this years ago... I've been living with chronic pain since the '80s. BTW--the stuff I'm using is actually hashish. Go figure...

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