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Nutritional Needs


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I recently saw a dietician to discuss a possible feeding tube d/t to a steady weight loss over 10 months of 35 lbs, lack of appetite and difficulty eating foods, stomach hurting and feeling bloated with the dysautonomia. I also have Gastroparesis and being treated with Domperidone. My lab work has been pretty much normal. She suggested a Gastroparesis diet of low fat/ low fiber with 6 small meals daily including counting calories. It appears to be working with my weight stabilizing, but I am open to any suggestions to help improve my intake of foods and calories.

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you have my sympathy ... I had this all the time before eliminating the foods from my diet that I was intolerant of. I'm on the Paleo diet now and I only get it if I've eaten too much red meat or too much food at one time. (Some Paleo I'd make ... lol )...

I take digestive enzymes that help now too .. if you're interested, IMHO, Enzymedica is a good brand.

Are you eating healthy fats like raw seeds and nuts ? I don't do well with cooked nuts, seeds or fats but I'm fine with raw ...

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I'm sorry you've been losing weight because of gastroparesis. With gastroparesis it is good to follow a low fat/low fiber diet like your doctor recommended. If you are still having trouble getting enough calories, you can add in drinks like Ensure. You can also switch from drinking water to drinking juice, soda, and gatorade. If you are losing weight, you don't want to be taking up space in your stomach with water, something that provides 0 calories. Replacing that water with juice, soda, and gatorade will help to keep your calories up.

I follow a low fat/low fiber diet, but when my gastroparesis flares up I have to switch to a liquid/soft foods diet. I eat a lot of soup, pudding, yogurt, ice cream and milkshakes, Instant Breakfast drinks, and small ammounts of applesauce and mashed potatoes. I stop drinking water for the most part and start drinking soda, juice, and gatorade. Every calorie that we can squeeze in helps. I have especially found ice cream helpful. Because of the fat and sugar it packs a lot of calories, but because it melts into a liquid I am able to easily digest it. I have a much harder time with the fat found in meats and cheeses. For me, ice cream and milkshakes go down easily and don't hurt my stomach.

If you haven't read the Step Diet before, you might find that helpful. It lists very specific foods that you can and cannot eat depending on how severe your gastroparesis is, and it provides sample meals. You can find the diet here: Gastroparesis Diet.

I hope this helps. And I hope you will be able to get back to a good and stable weight again soon.


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