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My Vasodilation Problems+Blood Sugar Problems


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I seem to be going downhill in one area of my POTS -- vasodilation, I know I get it really bad if I get hot, which would be only normal because of the physiology going on. But, even though it's winter, I am as hot as if it were summer(inside my house, anyway).

I seem to go through cycles all day and then all night. Nobody can tell me these are postmenopausal "hot flashes", as I don't know any menopausal lady who can barely stand up for the hour following these. So, I know it has something to do with my weird whatever POTS thing.

As I've mentioned before(probably exhaustively!! :P ), I get low blood sugar, and have for many years. I've read this article before:

(Hypertension. 1996;28:202-208.)

? 1996 American Heart Association, Inc.



Role of Nitric Oxide, Adenosine, and ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels in Insulin-Induced Vasodilation

Mary K. McKay; Robert L. Hester

the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson.

The resistance of various tissues to the vasodilator and metabolic effects of insulin may be an important risk factor in the genesis of hypertension observed in several pathological states. Because of this, it is important to understand the mechanisms by which insulin causes vasodilation. Because insulin is known to raise metabolism, one mechanism by which insulin causes vasodilation could be through metabolic vasodilation. Recently, however, it has been suggested that the insulin-induced vasodilation is mediated by the release of endothelium-derived nitric oxide. Using a model of muscle microcirculation (hamster cremaster), we examined the interactions between insulin, nitric oxide, and tissue metabolism to understand the potential mechanisms by which insulin causes vasodilation. Topical application of insulin (200 ?U/mL) to the cremaster resulted in significant increases in arteriolar diameter. Second-order arteriolar diameter increased from 69.6?6 to 79.8?5 ?m and fourth-order arteriolar diameter from 11.3?1 to 15.1?2 ?m (n=8). During nitric oxide synthase inhibition, topical application of insulin caused significant vasodilation in both second- and fourth-order arterioles. In contrast, both adenosine receptor antagonism and blockade of ATP-sensitive potassium channels prevented insulin-induced increases in arteriolar diameter. Our findings suggest a role for increased tissue metabolism, particularly the metabolite adenosine, in mediating insulin-induced vasodilation.

My brain cannot quite understand that last sentence about adenosine. Could someone with a functioning brain explain that to me? Do you know if it refers to something I can try to see if it is my high insulin causing all this vasodilation going on? I would really appreciate any info.

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I am warm a lot of the time also- even in the winter. The warmer I get, the worse my symptoms get. I am no where near menopause yet, but I feel like I am having hot flashes. I sometimes wonder if I am warm because of extra adrenaline in my system. I also get low blood sugars. Last time I had routine lab work checked (and I felt fine at the time) the lab called me once I got home to make sure I was ok- my blood sugar was 48. I wound up getting a horrible headaches and symtpoms later.

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That is low!! Was that fasting? If so, you need to have your insulin(fasting) levels checked and keep an eye on your glucose. Do you have a way to check it at home, at different times?

When I set up the blood sugar poll, we had a good response from people that have either had documented glucose issues, or felt like it was something that they need to have checked out due to symptoms.

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I figured out that what I sometimes thought were hot flashes - were related to food sensitivities. Whenever I eat something that I'm sensitive to, I'll have one of those flashes. I think the mast cells kick in because of the sensitivity to the food and that is what causes the hot flashes. If I take a B complex and a Vit C and quercetin, sometimes that's enough to counteract it. But, if it's really bad I take a Claritin. If that's not enough I'll add a Tagament. Then, I really pay attention to what I did and see later - if it happens again. Then I know it was the food.

For menapause hot flashes - Red Clover - works real well (for me any way). It also helps to keep your bones strong.

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