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Cant Walk Kids To School

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When my kids were smaller I wasn't comfortable having them wait at the bus stop alone, as it is also a couple of blocks from our home. I asked the bus to pick them up at the house, which worked when they were in JK, but then hired local kids in grades 7/8 to be their "bus buddies" and keep an eye on them on the way to and from the bus stop. This year my mother helped too.

Are there any older kids in the neighbourhood who could help out?

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There is nothing you can do about not being able to walk much right now.

Does your hubby know exactly what is wrong and why you can't walk far? My family all know how the blood is not reaching the brain etc. You can print info and pictures.

Do you have a wheelchair? I have two. We keep one in the SUV and one at home. They are fantastic. You can conserve energy and do more. Use a w.chair to take your kids two blocks.

My hubby and I walk our little dog and he pushes me and I hold the leash. Use any tools you can!

Also, I have a folding cane seat. That is also good if you are later better at walking and need to sit and rest.

A w.chair would be great for you. I believe in using all of the things out there to help us as we heal. :)

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Hello gift,

I am very sorry to read about the tough time you are going through. I also had to walk and pick up my daughter from school - over the course of 2009 it became more and more difficult, and I actually ended up collapsing/'floating into the sky' once and my daughter & I were in a somewhat risky situation. I also had less scary collapses many times. It's not good or sensible to be out walking with young kids if you are not physically up to it. In my case, I'm pretty sure pushing myself so hard all the time to do such difficult stuff really did contribute to the crash I had (health-wise).

Perhaps you could explain to your husband that it's not a matter of what you can push yourself to your absolute limit to do on any given day - because this can lead to a general decline of your health and you might end up severely incapacitated and unable to even feed the kids, yourself, or get to the toilet etc.

I know it's *so* difficult because before I had my bad crash I just had to get on with stuff, because nobody around me understood what was happening in my body, and how it felt to have to do stuff which felt near impossible. Sometimes people only make changes to help once you do get terribly sick and there's no other choice. Perhaps you could even let your husband see what has been written in the thread though... prevention is better than cure, and all that.

About the wheelchair - I understand if you can't wheel yourself. I am only just able to wheel myself on a flat surface, for a very short while. The rest of the time someone has to push me.

Here's hoping you can find a solution that helps preserve your precious energy :-)

Best wishes!

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I agree. I wouldnt be able to wheel myself 2 blocks, it would probably cause me far more problems. I wouldnt advise a bike either as the last thing you need is to be taken ill while travelling at speed on 2 wheels. Are there any other mums locally that would be willing to walk your children whilst walking theirs to school?

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I have to say the wheelchair thing is something I find extremely strange- how can someone with severe POTS wheel themselves manually if they have issues with blood pooling and tachycardia? Blood would pool in your legs in a normal wheelchair, and pushing your arms back to wheel could cause a massive rise in heart rate.

Then again, I also find it hard to understand how people with POTS can drive. I would never, EVER put myself or other road users at risk, and sitting upright can cause symptoms in so many of us.

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Many, many people with POTS use a w.chair. Not strange at all......

I was unable to push myself, but now I am able to since my supplements are healing my symptoms. Last year at this time, I could not get out of bed, but I can walk a lot now and on big trips like to the mall or church, we take a w.chair for me. It is a tool many use, just depends how far along you are on healing.

I just had the impression she needed to go with her kids and there was no other way so if that true, a w.chair was a good thing to try.

You slowly get stronger and better at pushing yourself. I used to have to go vey slowly and rest after a little but I am stronger now. A process.

With driving, I do not drive alone yet, just with my husband with me. That is also something to build up to. I was barely able to sit in the car for trips last year, but I hope to drive soon.

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