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Had Emg, And Super-Sensitive Nerves!


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I had my one and only EMG. I am assuming I am saying the right test--it was where they did the electical shock. They also did the part where they inserted a small needle. I figured I would be like most people here and have a certain amount of neuropathy.

OH, NO, in fact, I was told that I seem to be "super-sensitive". Nothing wrong with my neurons firing away!

That kind of makes sense, because all of my adult life, things seem to hurt me easier. A pat on the back to me hurts. Someone handing me a "warm" dish in the kitchen is hot to me. Even coffee from anywhere needs to cool down before I can comfortably drink it.

So, no neuropathy here.

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Sue...we are very much alike! I am the same way with sensitvity and over active nerves. Even when the doctor tests my reflexes my leg jumps above my head, LOL! I can expect to turn the corner in my house and know my husband will be there but I still jump b/c it scares me. Very, very sensitive (and as you know, this includes meds). However, I can't lie, I am so much improved since I started my treatment with my current doctor. He has me functioning like a normal human again. He's treated me since August. I could be better but I'm so happy to be an individual person again.

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