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Okay, B/P Dropping Loooowww Today From Meds!


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I was given Coreg to start, a low dose. Because I always react to anything I take, yesterday I took about 1/3 of a pill. Nothing much happened. I am supposed to take two a day, but that wasn't going to happen until I was comfortable with 1 a day!

So, today I bump up and take ~about~ 2/3 of a pill. Everything was fine until about 4 hours into it. I took my shower and then, before I sat back down(having been up for 10 minutes), I took my b/p. It was 68/48!!! My heart rate was in the 80s.

My normal resting b/p is about 115/75. Usually after my shower, I will have climbed to about 140/90, with heart rate around 100. The ONLY positive out of today is I noticed I was cold/cool most of today, because I am the person that is always hot. That was a nice respite.

What is up with the b/p med?? I just took such a small dose. Obviously, I will call the doctor's office and let them know what happened, and that I won't be taking that again. I have had to spend the whole day camped out in my recliner, waiting for the meds to wear off.

Anyone else go so low on a small dose of b/p med? Why? What do we do to keep our vitals in a normal range? :(

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For me -- it was a combination of Bystolic and Clonidine -- that in the first three or so days - I was widely shifting and changing.... So while I dipped to 79/53 & did the obligatory call to the nurse while holding my diuretic -- I found by morning I was high again. So I kept up with the doses as ordered and just chukked the diuretic with the dr's blessing. Well it's now a couple weeks later and again I am running high most all the time.... My usual is to be high in the morning, higher yet with standing ... yet 100/60 or so at bedtime.

Sometimes it takes some time to adjust things or for your body to adjust I should say ... well at least in my case .. I have a great doc who follows all these weird vitals with me -- not many are up for the job LOL...

So where I swore I could never take those meds because I felt horrid and dipped so low - I'm now looking at taking two of the Clonidine a day - in additon to Bystolic!

None of it makes much sense to me - aside from maybe with my mild sleep apnea - the apneic spells perhaps could be contributing to a high morning pressure. I really didn't tolerate c-pap - have to return the machine this week.

Hang in there.... you are taking it slow and that sounds very good~

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It's important to know that when pills are made, the medication is not evenly distributed throughout the entire pill. If the pill is scored in half (has an indent throught the middle of the pill), then you can be assured that half the medication is put in each half of the pill. But if you cut the pill in thirds, there is no gaurantee that one third of the medication is in that third of the pill. One day you could be getting a small amount of medication and another day you could be getting a much larger amount of medication.

Another approach is to increase the amount of medication you take much slower-maybe increasing the dose after a week.

I take Clonodine and Zebeta to control my heartrate. Sometimes it makes my BP go low but I tolerate a little low BP better than I tolerate a high heart rate. Yesterday my BP dropped to 79/62 and I felt pretty bad but I just layed down, drank a bunch of water and within a half an hour or so my BP was up and I was able to carry on with my life.

It's certainly not an ideal situation but for me it's better than having a heart rate of 160 all day long.

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I have taken Coreg in the past, too, and remember that my first couple of weeks were pretty weird. Start out slowly, like you have, and then increase every couple of days to a week so your body has time to adjust to the changes. Coreg ended up helping me a great deal with my heart problems, so give it a try. I think it's a pretty good drug, it's just getting through those first couple of weeks. Also...since this has only happened to you once so far, it might not even be the medication. You might want to keep a log of your BP and HR as you slowly increase your dosage.

Good luck and hang in there!


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