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Lead Feeling When Sitting Or Standing


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I'm having hard time sitting and an even horrible time when I stand. This is completely different from two weeks ago when I was fine and worked and everything. It's feels as if my body is made of lead and it's getting heavier the longer I'm up. I also have pressure in my chest and my heart rate increases significantly. Does anyone else experience this? It almost hurts to walk because my legs feel so heavy, like gravity is sucking me towards the floor.

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The only thing that has helped when I get that feeling (and I always get it if I stand or sit for too long), is to change postural position. So if it happens when I am sitting, as awful and uncomfortable as it to get up, I have to force myself to get up and walk around and then sit back down again. Similarly, if I get it from standing for too long, I need to change postural position and either sit down or lie down. I have found that as I have increased my exercise tolerance over time very gradually this lead feeling has lessened somewhat. Generally the more exercise I can tolerate on any given day, the less troublesome this heavy lead feeling is.

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That is exactly how I felt during the summer and early fall. As I have started my POTS and MCAD treatments is seems to be gradually improving, but in a variable, unpredictable way so far - I have no idea whether the improvement will last and am still substantially disabled, but it feels a lot better than the alternative. If you want any details, please let me know.

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MCAD is confusing, and I was only diagnosed last Friday so I'm still learning too. Here's an article that might help:


I was diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder and POTS, but had some symptoms "left over" that didn't fit until I found that article. You can read about MCAD at www.tmsforacure.org. I belong to the Canadian mastocytosis society and they have lots of good info and research there too. MCAD is still a pretty vague and controversial condition, but whatever it turns out to be, I seem to have it.

From what you are feeling now I was able to get some improvement by simulataneously treating POTS (fluids, salt, compression as I can tolerate it, midodrine, very light water exercise) and MCAD (anti-histamines, mast cell stabilizers - see my signature for current meds and doses). I have only been on the whole combo for a month, but as I have added each component I have felt some improvement. I still can't stand for long and my bp drops a lot in the mornings. Lots of ups and downs, but overall I feel like I am at least stabilizing, after a very long downhill spiral.

Please feel free to ask anything else if I can help, and I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge so far!

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I have no idea what this feeling is about -- but I have that also ... I think as a rule if I am less active than the 'push myself' and take walks etc. when it's the last thing in the world I want to do --- My legs and core feel their weakest and heaviest.

I kinda noticed if I push myself regardless of pain and feeling super heavy and weighted -- and distract myself in the process ... I have a big 'crash' ... with aches and pain for a short while after the exercise -- but looking at the process longitudinally through the week - I have less of that heavy feeling in general.

And it seems to take forever to get that feeling gone and build back up....to where I function pretty well again. So what I've learned is to try to stay as active as possible - I don't understand it at all == both 'ways' aren't really fun ... skipping the activity seems the only option ... but I get that heavy feeling worse... When I do the activity I surely pay for it... but as a rule that heaviness seems to be less..which is good.

So bizarre... & of course as sure as anything - once I think I've figured it out - something else weird shows up lol...

Hope you feel better soon!

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